

Are you living in Austria and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Retract – die Reformpläne der WHO The information short film on the draft treaties of the WHO – World Health OrganizationThe German lawyer Dr. Beate Pfeil , the Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse and…



Are you living in Switzerland and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Lawyers Press Conference – Press release The National Council met for an extraordinary session to deal with the outstanding issue. The motion “No WHO agreement without parliamentary approval”, presented by the SVP parliamentary…

Czech Republic

Czech Republic

Are you living in the czech Republic and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Program for the Conference International Peace Days in czech Republic Protest against involving in the war, 30 and 31st of May International Peace Conference, 31st of May By Invitation only International…



Are you living in Denmark and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Legal Actions Jeanne answer 10 questions regarding the Covid 19 Vaccines Den 21.05.2024Åbent brev til privatpraktiserende læger i Danmark vedr. WHO WHO Traktatændringer 2024 Letter to the Health minister – Request for Postponement…



Are you living in Estonia and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Estonia Final Statement of Dispute Between States May 6 2024 Pressconference by World Council of health estonia, May 6th 2024 Letter 1: Nov 11 2023 11 Estonian parliamentarians claim there is no authority…



Are you living in Germany and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Retract – die Reformpläne der WHO The information short film on the draft treaties of the WHO – World Health OrganizationThe German lawyer Dr. Beate Pfeil , the Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse and…



Are you living in Ireland and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. UK Column on the Killarney Declaration by Eddie Hobbs Eddie Hobbs brought out a declaration, a long statement observing what’s going on with the world pandemic treaty and Ireland involvement in that. Eddie…



Are you living in Italy and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Italy’s “The Truth” newspaper’s headline: No deal on the global pandemic treaty. Half the world rejects the WHO’s yoke. “Europe, Africa and North America dispute (albeit for different reasons) the text that would…

Brown and White Concrete Building


Are you living in the Netherlands and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Dutch Parliament Votes to postpone WHO votes on Treaties Decision to reject FOIA request regarding letter of Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs to WHO on reservation against 2022 IHR amendments in Dutch…

Ocean Near Mountain Ranges during Sunset


Are you living in Norway and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Legal actions Interview with Meryl Nass about the WHO pandemic agreement Norsk WHO-analyse av internasjonal betydning – Professor Morten Walløe Tvedts betenkning del 2 Betydningen av arbeidet er stort, også i internasjonal sammenheng,…

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