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By ANH-USA On 08/09/2024

Health officials are prepping bird flu to be the next pandemic, opening the way for further restrictions on health choices and other liberties. Action Alert!


  • Recent steps by US health officials and the WHO to prepare for future pandemics could lead to increased control over public health and potential restrictions on personal freedoms.
  • There are concerns that the response to H5N1 avian flu will build on the COVID-19 response, leading to excessive measures and unnecessary restrictions, especially given the uncertainty about the virus’s threat level.
  • There is strong opposition to the WHO’s proposed ‘pandemic treaty’ and amendments to the International Health Regulations, as they could grant excessive power to the WHO in its declaration of a pandemic, giving national authorities justification to enforce health mandates.

Are you willing to give up your freedom to prevent a ‘pandemic’ that may pose little risk to the vast majority of Americans?

© [Are We Inching Towards an Avian Flu Pandemic?, 2024] ANH-USA. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of ANH-USA.

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