We exist to help people make sense of a rapidly changing world, to stop efforts by the WHO and UN to centralize control during emergencies, and to preserve traditional farming and the production of healthful foods.

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It’s not about global warming…

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..It’s about enslaving humanity.” Journalist Alex Newman draws attention to a 2013 UN report asserting meat consumption and farming to be “unsustainable”, and thus the need for a “major propaganda campaign” to convince people to eat insects. “So how are they gonna get people to eat bugs?…

The WHO: Reform, Replace, or Get Out Now?

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Action on World Health may be good for the rest of the world, but is a bad idea for the United States A new organization that hopes to fix the problem of the WHO, Action on World Health, has just formed. It is a small group of…

Bill Gates said he uses India as an experimental laboratory for his ideas

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1 minute video of Gates himself speaking. https://twitter.com/TimesNow/status/1864006802800607323 That X link was taken down. This one works for the Bill Gates speech. It no longer has the Indian TV presenter introducing it. This video is only 22 seconds: https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1863915090749043128 Bill Gates: “India… is kind of a laboratory…

Happy Halloween

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Dear Friends, Happy Halloween! Amidst all the goblins and gremlins, I wanted to share an important overview of the globalist agenda at the Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom meeting on Saturday, October 26 that I gave. I spoke about the WHO, UN, the 5 current pandemic viruses being…

2024 Attack on Food & Farmers Symposium

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Recommended films and documentaries: the attacks on food, farming, and agriculture Episode 460 – The Future of Food We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend…

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It’s not about global warming…

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..It’s about enslaving humanity.” Journalist Alex Newman draws attention to a 2013 UN report asserting meat consumption and farming to be “unsustainable”, and thus the need for a “major propaganda campaign” to convince people to eat insects. “So how are they gonna get people to eat bugs? Well, a combination of propaganda, indoctrinating children and making you very, very hungry.” “The goal, folks, is not to save…

Last updates for 2024 – We’ll be back in January. Merry Christmas!

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Dear Friends,   It has been a relatively quiet week as the weeks have been going lately.   US missiles have continued to hit Russia'. Russia's top general on biological, chemical and radiological warfare (WMD) was assassinated leaving his Moscow apartment. Russia has continued bombing Ukraine and advancing by land but has taken no obvious "payback" steps for the assassination or the last set of moderate-range missile…

The WHO apparatus did everything it could to bring forth a pandemic treaty

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Hello Friends, The past week has (apparently) reshaped the arc of history. The US President-Elect has promised to leave the WHO, does not believe we are facing apocalyptic global warming, has promised to end the green energy agenda, to improve education, to restore us to two genders, and allow Mr. Kennedy wide scope to improve our healthcare and food systems. It's a tall order. But it is…

Happy Halloween

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Dear Friends, Happy Halloween! Amidst all the goblins and gremlins, I wanted to share an important overview of the globalist agenda at the Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom meeting on Saturday, October 26 that I gave. I spoke about the WHO, UN, the 5 current pandemic viruses being hyped, the attempt to transform food globally and what we accomplished and have yet to accomplish.  There are many new…

REPPARE: The Rational Report on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda

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Re-Evaluating the Pandemic Preparedness And REsponse agenda (REPPARE) Visit the REPPARE homepage at the University of Leeds From the REPPARE site: Dealing with pandemics and other health emergencies is an important aspect of public health. Interventions must be weighed against potential direct and indirect benefits, the probability that an intervention can be realized, and the direct and indirect costs that will be accrued. Such costs and benefits…

Vaccines in Our Food: The Hidden Risks in Livestock and Poultry

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SHERRI TENPENNY In “Vaccines in Our Food”, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny highlights the increasing use of vaccines in livestock, poultry, and even fish in our food supply. She details how vaccines are administered to animals and the growing concern about mRNA vaccines. With over 335 animal vaccines in use, Dr. Tenpenny emphasizes the importance of understanding what’s in our food and the critical need to source locally and…

Formula for Change: The Urgent Need To Clean Up Infant Formula

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Michelle Perro In her compelling presentation, Dr. Michelle Perro, an expert in integrative pediatric care and nutrition, uncovers the hidden dangers in commercial infant formulas, which are often contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, aluminum, and arsenic. Dr. Perro highlights the failure of regulatory oversight, linking these contaminants to serious health risks, including brain development issues and immune system dysfunction in infants. She advocates the necessity…

What are the Solutions?

Analyzing a problem is important but solving it is even better.
Our work includes articles, videos, and interviews focusing on solutions.
Make little changes in your life and you become part of the solution.

Dr. Nass: podcasts and interviews about the WHO proposed Pandemic Treaty

Invited to speak about her latest article The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics Dr. Meryl Nass presents her work uncovering the latest strategies by the World Health Organization. She instills hope in the audience as well as in the host by sharing her opinion why the WHO’s strategies are failing and how each person can help stop these draconian plans.

Actions Around the World

Links to all the actions, petitions, open letters, demonstrations, and organizations working to stop the global coup.
Have something to add? Please email us.

Analyzing a problem is important but solving it is even better.
Our work includes articles, videos, and interviews focusing on solutions.
Make little changes in your life and you become part of the solution.

Eleven Estonian Parliament Members Reject the WHO Amendments

Newsletter, November 23rd, 2023 On November 22nd, 2023, eleven members of the Estonian Parliament sent a letter to the WHO Director General providing notification of Estonia’s rejection of the International Health Regulation (2005) Amendments, as well as…

Hungarian Translation

New: Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO? Miért aggódik mindenki a WHO miatt? Other languages available: Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO?by Dr. Meryl Nass. Translated by Előd Költő.

Procedural Issues with the WHO Treaties

Considerations of procedural issues that likely void the ability of a nation’s diplomats to approve the WHO’s 2 proposed international treaties From where do diplomats get the power to turn over their country’s governance to the unelected…

Notice of Reservations to WHO Amendments: from Netherlands

Notice of Reservations to the May 2022 Amendments which shorten the timeline. Unofficial translation using Google translate Answers to parliamentary questions from member Pouw-Verweij (BBB) about the “creeping” negotiations on the WHO pandemic treaty and the IHR…

The W.H.O. and American Democracy

Could the W.H.O. really take over Sovereignty from National Governments in an Emergency?

(updated December 2023)


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