Globalism and Disease X

Globalism and Disease X

  Meryl and James return for another jam-packed episode of ‘Good Morning CHD’ to share critical public health…

Centralizing Public Health Control With Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Centralizing Public Health Control With Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts talk all things pandemic propaganda on this week’s ‘Financial Rebellion’ episode. Find out how, even before the COVID-19 debacle, emergency powers may have been used and abused by vaccine manufacturers and those in power…

High Level Global Health Negotiations

High Level Global Health Negotiations

Viewers, are you aware of the prevalence and implications of the modern globalist agenda and its history? Two guests, on ‘Good Morning CHD’ today, lay out the important information you need to know about the push for worldwide control under the guise of ‘health.’ Watch this eye-opening episode for the details!

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