The Killing of Common Sense 

The Killing of Common Sense 

Covid was a killer. The evidence is clear. SARS-CoV-2 was a scientifically devised virus designed to kill. Its victims were many. The science in question here, though, is social science. And the intended victim was common sense. Covid expanded our daily vocabulary. “Distancing,” “tracking,” and “masking” – above the nose – all became common parlance…

COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia

COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia

[01] – My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.
[02] – In the 1960s, Jose Delgado, a Spanish neuroscientist, performed experiments where he implanted electrodes in the brains of bulls. He would then stand in front of charging bulls and bring them to a halt with a remote control that activated the power supply for these electrodes.
[03] – In 1970, he published a book entitled Physical Control…

The WHO One Health Scam

The WHO One Health Scam

The WHO’s One Health approach is a giant scam. Find out at least 4 reasons why it’s designed to trick you and give them more power. Find out too about the coming predictive programming for future pandemics.

The climate scaremongers: Heatwave hysteria

The climate scaremongers: Heatwave hysteria

THE New York Intelligencer magazine called it the ‘Worldwide Heatwave’, which according to the UN has ‘engulfed the Northern Hemisphere’. It was of course nothing of the sort, simply the usual mix of hot and cold weather we see every year. Spot the difference, for instance, between this month and July 1998…

The Great Reset for Dummies

The Great Reset for Dummies

The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets. Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the…

An Update on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda – This affects YOU

An Update on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda – This affects YOU

Western governments along with the World Health Organization (WHO) are in the midst of creating a massive, militarized health program for the world’s population. It is said to be about preparing and responding to future pandemics. Even though the world only had 4 pandemics in the past 100 years…

Social Credit Score: Fiction or Reality?

Social Credit Score: Fiction or Reality?

The concept of a social credit system is based on a government-run credit rating system that assigns score and trustworthiness to its citizens and businesses, which could be blacklisted or whitelisted based on the score itself. China’s social credit system started as a regional trial in 2009 and was expanded into a national pilot with eight credit scoring firms in 2014…

Propaganda Toolkit #1: Ad Hominem Attacks

Propaganda Toolkit #1: Ad Hominem Attacks

Commonly known as “name-calling,” an ad hominem attack “shoots the messenger” in order to deflect from the substance of an issue. It generally means that a criticism of one’s character has been made, rather than a criticism of the issue. Name calling, or the ad hominem attack, is perhaps the most well-known and easy to identify…

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