Presentation in Alasaka 2023

Presentation in Alasaka 2023

They hide their plans in plain sight. I am going to show you the receipts
The henchmen run many Western governments and multinational organizations, are often trained by the World Economic Forum and vetted by insiders at Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations…

Aerial View and Grayscale Photography of High-rise Buildings

15 Minute Cities

Good evening. Restructuring of Canadian mayors and municipalities under the auspices of the United Nations began in 1992. PM Mulrooney signed Canada onto UN Agenda 21. Canada thus became a UN member nation-state. 178 countries signed on, lured by the promise of big money to go green. By 2000, countries, including Canada, were being governed by directions of the UN G7 G20 World Economic Forum and…

Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This Post contains all 19 Webinars hosted & organized by Stop Vax Passports. The Topics are #1 Vaccine Passports, #2 Military Vaccine Mandates, #3 Vaccine Mandates for Children, #4 Natrual Immunity Matter, #5 Covid Mandates, #6 Covid Mandates, #7 Digital Gulag, #8 Stop The Sellout Of US Sovereignty To The WHO, #9 The Digital Gulag At Davos and The WHO, #10 Covid Jabs, #11 Covid Injections and Women, #12 Covid Coercion and Fraud…

The Great Reset for Dummies

The Great Reset for Dummies

The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets. Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the…

An Update on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda – This affects YOU

An Update on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda – This affects YOU

Western governments along with the World Health Organization (WHO) are in the midst of creating a massive, militarized health program for the world’s population. It is said to be about preparing and responding to future pandemics. Even though the world only had 4 pandemics in the past 100 years…

Climate Revival Meeting in Davos

Climate Revival Meeting in Davos

The theme of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos 2023 was “Cooperation in a Fragmented World”. In many ways, this year appears as an in-between-year, even though certain central components of the continuing agenda were introduced…

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