Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This Post contains all 19 Webinars hosted & organized by Stop Vax Passports. The Topics are #1 Vaccine Passports, #2 Military Vaccine Mandates, #3 Vaccine Mandates for Children, #4 Natrual Immunity Matter, #5 Covid Mandates, #6 Covid Mandates, #7 Digital Gulag, #8 Stop The Sellout Of US Sovereignty To The WHO, #9 The Digital Gulag At Davos and The WHO, #10 Covid Jabs, #11 Covid Injections and Women, #12 Covid Coercion and Fraud…

What Happened to Medical Ethics During the Pandemic?

What Happened to Medical Ethics During the Pandemic?

We have a global crisis of medical ethics. In the last 3 years, under the excuse of the pandemic “emergency”, we have seen the destruction of the sacred doctor-patient relationship and the violation of fundamental human rights and the ethical principles of informed consent and bodily autonomy. Politicians and health officials have…

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