Future with WHO in Charge
Future with WHO in Charge 23/04/2024
What is “nullification”?
A win for states’ rights: how do state sovereignty laws apply to the WHO and UN? In affirming…
Tedros Lies
Dr. Meryl Nass debunks the lies made by Director General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
“Not Now” on the Surrender of Our Sovereignty to the WHO
At the end of May, President Biden intends to join other nations in supplanting our Constitution and the liberties it guarantees with something called “global governance.” Their plan, which has been stealthily negotiated for several years at the World Health Organization (WHO)…
Sovereignty Coalition’s weekly Meetings for state leaders & Activists
Monday’s at 8pm ET Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpduCpqD0uHdTRusy4KEGBsJEngFSmivq3#/registration Follow @SovCoalition and @KLVeritas for notifications on…
Pacific Rim Coalition Webinar
Opposing the WHO`s power grab. April 14th 2024, 7am Singapore time / 8am Japanese time
Information and Support for State action regarding W.H.O. via Door To Freedom
DoortoFreedom.org. SovereigntyCoalition.org Door to Freedom is rolling out a campaign in the US to educate policymakers and the public…
Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them?
The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This means that the regulation of healthcare falls to the states.
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