Powerful Philanthropy

Powerful Philanthropy

With the founding of the United Nations in the immediate aftermath of WWII a powerful global framework emerged out of the rubble. While the United Nations is generally associated with “keeping the peace,” the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund soon arose to perform additional functions…

“Protect the Planet” – A Planetary Emergency – Part 2

“Protect the Planet” – A Planetary Emergency – Part 2

The proclamation of an emergency is partly reminiscent of the scenario “Fortress World” from the Global Scenario Group’s report The Great Transition – The Promises and Lures of Our Times published in 2002 by the Stockholm Environment Institute in Boston under the leadership of Club of Rome member Paul Raskin…

World Economic Forum’s Techno-Totalitarian Roadmap

World Economic Forum’s Techno-Totalitarian Roadmap

The Corona crisis is the trigger for a global coup d’état of monumental dimensions. It is the beginning of a new era, with a new international economic order that risks completely destroying human freedoms. Tyrants have now taken over to forcibly steer us into a “climate smart” and “healthy” world…

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