Leaders Pact for the Future, Pt1

Leaders Pact for the Future, Pt1

The lecture uncovers the true intention behind next years UN Summit of the Future, which will result in the outcome document Leaders pact for the Future.

The plan with the pact is to turn the recommendations from United Nations Our Common Agenda into concrete measures, and…

Earth globe burning in blue flames

How the Fossil Fuel Industry Came to Love Climate Change

During the early 2000s, only a few left-wing magazines with limited circulation warned about the threat of Global Warming. Now mainstream news media link virtually every weather disaster to global Climate Change. Groups like Extinction Rebellion get international coverage for their…

Nordangård: Transitioning to a New Global Order

Nordangård: Transitioning to a New Global Order

Last week the United Nations published the Policy Brief “A New Agenda for Peace”. It is the ninth out of the eleven Briefs that has been released to support the UN’s Our Common Agenda.
In the report the UN Secretary-General António Guterres declares…

Presentation in Alasaka 2023

Presentation in Alasaka 2023

They hide their plans in plain sight. I am going to show you the receipts
The henchmen run many Western governments and multinational organizations, are often trained by the World Economic Forum and vetted by insiders at Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations…

Aerial View and Grayscale Photography of High-rise Buildings

15 Minute Cities

Good evening. Restructuring of Canadian mayors and municipalities under the auspices of the United Nations began in 1992. PM Mulrooney signed Canada onto UN Agenda 21. Canada thus became a UN member nation-state. 178 countries signed on, lured by the promise of big money to go green. By 2000, countries, including Canada, were being governed by directions of the UN G7 G20 World Economic Forum and…

The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics

The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics

On September 20th our representatives meeting at the United Nations (UN) will sign off on a ‘Declaration’ titled: “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” This was announced as a ‘silence procedure,’ meaning that States not responding will be deemed supporters of the text.

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