The “Bayer-Monsanto Protection Act” is the informal term for a piece of lobbyist-written legislation that has been drafted into the current farm bill. Bayer has faced around 170,000 claims from people alleging harm from their products. Damages have already exceeded $10 billion. Read more below.

Washington Post: Bayer lobbies Congress to help fight lawsuits tying Roundup to cancer

Republicans have repeatedly pushed a provision — drafted with Bayer’s help — that critics say would undo some nationwide pesticide protections.

The biotech giant Bayer has lobbied Congress over the past year to advance legislation that could shield the company from billions of dollars in lawsuits, part of a national campaign to defeat claims that its weed killer Roundup causes cancer in people who use it frequently. Read More

Glyphosate Impacts on Soil, Crop, Animal, Human, and Environmental Health

Dr. Don Huber, one of the food symposium speakers, has provided a one page document about glyphosate impacts.