If you Repeat a Lie Frequently Enough, it becomes True. Right?
Liberty Counsel reports on letter received by a constituent which includes the standard-fare misinformation. A favorite line of…
Liberty Counsel reports on letter received by a constituent which includes the standard-fare misinformation. A favorite line of…
At the end of May, President Biden intends to join other nations in supplanting our Constitution and the liberties it guarantees with something called “global governance.” Their plan, which has been stealthily negotiated for several years at the World Health Organization (WHO)…
Brief letter in response to 22 page report hand delivered in January 2024. View the 22 page report…
90% of International Agreements do not go through 2/3rd Senate Ratification, yet have the effect on law of…
Old report deleted from the CRS site? On June 22, 2022, a Congressional Research Service report called “U.S….
By Hungarian Group: Orvosok a TisztánlátásĂ©rt Open Letter and Public Interest Information Request to Members of Parliament and…
Monday’s at 8pm ET Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpduCpqD0uHdTRusy4KEGBsJEngFSmivq3#/registration Follow @SovCoalition and @KLVeritas for notifications on…
Opposing the WHO`s power grab. April 14th 2024, 7am Singapore time / 8am Japanese time
Is USA delegate getting nervous that they are negotiating away our first amendment rights? Last week, Knowledge Ecology…
Open Letter calling for rule of law, equity and an appropriate review process in development of the WHO…
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