Just Released: The Newest Version of the Pandemic Treaty Draft
The latest version of the Pandemic Treaty draft was released this week. The “Advanced Unedited Version” is the…
The latest version of the Pandemic Treaty draft was released this week. The “Advanced Unedited Version” is the…
The World Health Organization has just released the latest version of the controversial draft pandemic treaty. See all…
Newsletter, October 5th 2023 We’ve been writing and talking a lot about the Pandemic Treaty, aka WHO CA+,…
October 2nd 2023: The first of the October 2023 “secret meetings.” As is evidenced, the public portion is…
Good evening. Restructuring of Canadian mayors and municipalities under the auspices of the United Nations began in 1992. PM Mulrooney signed Canada onto UN Agenda 21. Canada thus became a UN member nation-state. 178 countries signed on, lured by the promise of big money to go green. By 2000, countries, including Canada, were being governed by directions of the UN G7 G20 World Economic Forum and…
Eleven countries have formally objected to the political declarations that were scheduled to be adopted during the High…
The WHO Can’t Tell the States What to Do
One of our partner organizations, Stand For Health Freedom is developing a petition to the White House, Congress, and the Office of Global Affairs in the US Department of Health and Human Services. (This Office manages the US-WHO interface.). The petition will request that the US add a ‘reservation’ to the proposed International Health Regulations Amendments.
(Newsletter, September 13th 2023) Should the US and other countries go out collecting “potential pandemic pathogens” and then…
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