Dr. Nass & MP Andrew Bridgen on Russell Brand
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Two major mainstream conservative groups voice their concerns From the writers at the Heritage Foundation: The Pandemic Treaty…
It seems social justice science is a stifler of critical thought. Recent hearings in the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic have examined US vaccine safety systems and why vaccination rates are dropping despite efforts to bolster public trust.
Coronavirus Subcommittee studies adverse reaction reporting systems.
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic convened a hearing on Feb. 15 titled “Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1.”
Re-evaluating Pandemic Risk within the Global Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Agenda
“Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Unfortunately, despite all the money this industry has received, it has only made the problem worse. This is because most pandemics are the result of lab leaks from “preventative” research, and because whenever an effective solution is discovered for a pandemic, it gets suppressed by…
The upper class has gradually shifted to controlling the populace through economic enslavement, the fear of an ecological disaster, and the fear of a disastrous pandemic which must be stopped at any costs. An immensely profitable industry has been built around these fears…
MP Andrew Bridgen is hosted another important meeting in UK Parliament on Monday 5th February. MEP Christine Anderson,…
The Irish Council for Human Rights is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation, incorporated in November 2020. The ICHR was established to strengthen and promote human rights and civil liberties in Ireland.
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