Finally!! Truth about the bogus Biosecurity Agenda in the mainstream press. Tremendously important.
This article is a repost. It was originally published in The Wall Street Journal
This article is a repost. It was originally published in The Wall Street Journal
Founder, Door to Freedom
Dr. Nass is a physician and researcher who proved the world's largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine. Her license was suspended for prescribing COVID medications and 'misinformation.'
Disentangling COVID disinformation since 2020:
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The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This means that the regulation of healthcare falls to the states.
Watch the following great 10 Min by Barbara Leo Fisher.
Please go to National Vaccine Information Center.
Please go to National Vaccine Information Center.
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