Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This Post contains all 19 Webinars hosted & organized by Stop Vax Passports. The Topics are #1 Vaccine Passports, #2 Military Vaccine Mandates, #3 Vaccine Mandates for Children, #4 Natrual Immunity Matter, #5 Covid Mandates, #6 Covid Mandates, #7 Digital Gulag, #8 Stop The Sellout Of US Sovereignty To The WHO, #9 The Digital Gulag At Davos and The WHO, #10 Covid Jabs, #11 Covid Injections and Women, #12 Covid Coercion and Fraud…

The Killing of Common Sense 

The Killing of Common Sense 

Covid was a killer. The evidence is clear. SARS-CoV-2 was a scientifically devised virus designed to kill. Its victims were many. The science in question here, though, is social science. And the intended victim was common sense. Covid expanded our daily vocabulary. “Distancing,” “tracking,” and “masking” – above the nose – all became common parlance…

The Dangers of Artificial General Intelligence

The Dangers of Artificial General Intelligence

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the most rapidly adopted tech platform in history, acquiring more than 1 million users in the first five days. Less than two months after its public release, it had more than 100 million users
ChatGPT uses machine learning to generate human-like responses in everyday language to…

Human Rights

Human Rights

The 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been signed and ratified by 173 countries, including the US. It recognizes that the “inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family [are] the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” It then specifies the rights of all peoples: “All peoples have the right…

What Happened to Medical Ethics During the Pandemic?

What Happened to Medical Ethics During the Pandemic?

We have a global crisis of medical ethics. In the last 3 years, under the excuse of the pandemic “emergency”, we have seen the destruction of the sacred doctor-patient relationship and the violation of fundamental human rights and the ethical principles of informed consent and bodily autonomy. Politicians and health officials have…

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