No, solar panels are not farmland

No, solar panels are not farmland

Concerned that rapid development threatened critical agricultural resources, Indiana’s Legislature in 2023 commissioned a study to determine the status of the state’s farmland. Noting that most agricultural land loss neighbored cities and suburban areas, the study concluded that Indiana lost 345,682 acres of farmland between 2010 and 2022.

Disinformation Duplicity in Vaccine Safety Hearings

Disinformation Duplicity in Vaccine Safety Hearings

It seems social justice science is a stifler of critical thought. Recent hearings in the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic have examined US vaccine safety systems and why vaccination rates are dropping despite efforts to bolster public trust.

Vaccine Safety Heads to Congress

Vaccine Safety Heads to Congress

Coronavirus Subcommittee studies adverse reaction reporting systems.
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic convened a hearing on Feb. 15 titled “Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems, Part 1.”

Who Trusts the WHO? Reforming massive agencies may be a task too great.

Who Trusts the WHO? Reforming massive agencies may be a task too great.

The WHO (World Health Organization) took center stage during the COVID pandemic as the global coordinator of effective response. Questions about the organization’s proper role – and competence – preceded and now survive the COVID-19 crisis. Was the WHO effective and apolitical in its response, and can it be trusted with its global medical preeminence?

The Control of Food

The Control of Food

Our grandparents and great grandparents produced much of their own food in their gardens or on their farms. Food choices in stores were limited, with little frozen food available and fewer fresh and canned foods for sale. Our grandparents and great grandparents produced much of their own food in their gardens or on their farms…

Globalists Seek to Further Industrialize American Farms

Globalists Seek to Further Industrialize American Farms

President Biden’s “special climate envoy” John Kerry created a stir at a recent event when he targeted farming and small farms as climate culprits. America’s family farms have suffered steady decline for decades due to technocrats like Kerry determining their profitability and survival. In the name of national security, Kerry now advances global initiatives to…

Wheat, Weed, Milk and Meat: How the Feds Control Our Food Supplies

Wheat, Weed, Milk and Meat: How the Feds Control Our Food Supplies

Increasingly, municipalities seek to regulate citizens’ activities in food, including growing vegetables, and keeping animals – especially chickens. Some of the ordinances and laws enacted in recent times would likely have shocked those who drafted and signed the federal or state…

Who will protect Vermont’s children from experimental gender hormones?

Who will protect Vermont’s children from experimental gender hormones?

The so-called progressives in our state have been experimenting with dangerous “off-label” hormone drugs on very young children, and the evidence increasingly proves this is harmful and irreversible. Why do Becca Balint, David Zuckerman, and other progressives pushing this vile agenda never have to answer for their positions, and…

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