SUPPORT:  Interstate Milk Freedom Act – HR 8374 

SUPPORT:  Interstate Milk Freedom Act – HR 8374 

Notwithstanding the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 264), and any regulations or other guidance thereunder, a Federal department, agency, or court may not take any action (including any administrative, civil, criminal or other action) that would prohibit, interfere with, regulate, or otherwise restrict the interstate traffic of milk, or a milk product, that is unpasteurized and packaged for direct human consumption, if— 

OPPOSE:  Pesticide Immunity – Sec. 10204 [Farm Bill] 

OPPOSE:  Pesticide Immunity – Sec. 10204 [Farm Bill] 

This section “prohibits the right to sue for failure to warn when harmed by pesticides. In Section 10204 of the House Farm Bill, language shields (gives immunity) to the producers and users of toxic pesticides from liability lawsuits associated with the harm that their products cause…”

SUPPORT:  Right to Food Amendment 

SUPPORT:  Right to Food Amendment 

Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Right to Food  

Earlier this year Representative Thomas Massie proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states: 

The right of the people to grow food and to purchase food from the source of their choice shall not be infringed and Congress shall make no law regulating the production and distribution of food products which do not move across state lines.

CHANGE Interpretation:  Control of Communicable Disease – 42 USC 264 

CHANGE Interpretation:  Control of Communicable Disease – 42 USC 264 

Change statute interpretation: 

Regulations to control of communicable disease – 42 USC 264 

42 USC 264(a) promulgation and enforcement by the Surgeon General provides: 

The Surgeon General, with the approval of the Administrator (Secretary), is authorized to make and enforce such regulations as in his judgment are necessary to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the states or possessions,

Why Study Toxic Metals in Infant Formula?

Why Study Toxic Metals in Infant Formula?

Infant formula is a crucial source of nutrition for babies who are not breastfed or is utilized as a supplement to breast-feeding. Ensuring its safety and quality is paramount since infants are particularly vulnerable to contaminants due to their developing biological systems.

Raw Milk Nation

Raw Milk Nation

Raw (unpasteurized) dairy products, except for cheese aged 60 days, are the only foods prohibited for human consumption in interstate commerce. The ban was a result of a 1986 federal district court decision ordering the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a regulation establishing the prohibition; Congress, the people’s branch of government, had no input.

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