WHO Official Admits the Truth About Passports

WHO Official Admits the Truth About Passports

The World Health Organization’s Dr. Hanna Nohynek testified in court that she advised her government that vaccine passports were not needed but was ignored, despite explaining that the Covid vaccines did not stop virus transmission and the passports gave a false sense of security.

Pandemics as a Catalyst for a New World Order

Pandemics as a Catalyst for a New World Order

Each nation in the world has its own culture, governance structures, traditions, property, borders and peoples. We must preserve the diversity and sovereignty of nations and cultures.
By globally synchronizing the public health response across the United Nations member states, new powers were granted to the UN…

Centralizing Public Health Control With Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Centralizing Public Health Control With Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts talk all things pandemic propaganda on this week’s ‘Financial Rebellion’ episode. Find out how, even before the COVID-19 debacle, emergency powers may have been used and abused by vaccine manufacturers and those in power…

All Eyes Are on the WHO as They try to Take Over the World

All Eyes Are on the WHO as They try to Take Over the World

The World Health Organization circa 2023 is a villain. They are an excuse for money laundering and subjugating innocent people for the benefit and the convenience of the biggest oligarchs.
They glorify themselves — but words are cheap, and we may be hurting — but we are not lobotomized. We have not forgotten what their “guidance” has done to…

Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This Post contains all 19 Webinars hosted & organized by Stop Vax Passports. The Topics are #1 Vaccine Passports, #2 Military Vaccine Mandates, #3 Vaccine Mandates for Children, #4 Natrual Immunity Matter, #5 Covid Mandates, #6 Covid Mandates, #7 Digital Gulag, #8 Stop The Sellout Of US Sovereignty To The WHO, #9 The Digital Gulag At Davos and The WHO, #10 Covid Jabs, #11 Covid Injections and Women, #12 Covid Coercion and Fraud…

Summary of Everything and Quick Links

Summary of Everything and Quick Links

I have a lot of new readers since I started publishing this Substack. This is an orientation post for anyone new or a quick reference for existing readers.
I appreciate paid subscribers, for those of you who are in a position to do so. I use the funds in support of several legal cases that I am assisting, and for grass roots legislative initiatives…

Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs

Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs

Vaccine passports are a tool certifying a person’s vaccination history. Based on vaccination status, a person may be prevented from traveling or accessing services. Vaccine passports could be incorporated into comprehensive digital IDs which link travel, access to services, banking, work, and social credit scores.
A new “diagnosis” code

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