Procedural Issues with the WHO Treaties
Considerations of procedural issues that likely void the ability of a nation’s diplomats to approve the WHO’s 2…
Considerations of procedural issues that likely void the ability of a nation’s diplomats to approve the WHO’s 2…
Is the WHO breaking its own rules? European parliamentarians want the evidence NOW. We saw video of a…
Article from a legal firm giving an opinion on the WHO proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments from…
Elsa Widding. November 14 2023 Letter translated to English
The Global Biosecurity Agenda and Pandemic Preparedness are names for the same thing: a plan to gain total control under the guise of the WHO-managed pandemic response.
I discuss the project and how we might stop it
New: Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO? Miért aggódik mindenki a WHO miatt? Other languages available: Why…
Newsletter, November 23rd, 2023 On November 22nd, 2023, eleven members of the Estonian Parliament sent a letter to…
Dear Minister,
In this open letter, we call on you as the Minister of Health to make clear what the position of the Government of the Czech Republic will be on the ratification of the WHO Pandemic Convention (known as WHO CA+) and the amendments to the International Health Guidelines (IHR 2005) currently under preparation.
Slovakia will not sign the pandemic treaty with the WHO! SMERu MPs will not support the pandemic treaty…
Elsa Widding. November 14 2023 Letter in English
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