Are you living in the czech Republic and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add?
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Program for the Conference

International Peace Days in czech Republic
Protest against involving in the war, 30 and 31st of May
International Peace Conference, 31st of May
By Invitation only
International Peace Public Gathering, 1st of June
Petice za odmítnutí protipandemické dohody připravované WHO
v souladu s čl. 18 Listiny základních práv a svobod a zákona č. 85/1990 Sb., o právu petičním, ve znění pozdějších předpisů

Dear Minister,
In this open letter, we call on you as the Minister of Health to make clear what the position of the Government of the Czech Republic will be on the ratification of the WHO Pandemic Convention (known as WHO CA+) and the amendments to the International Health Guidelines (IHR 2005) currently under preparation.