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Legal Actions
Other Actions
Pfizergate: Belgian court to hold hearing amid competence row with EU prosecutor – april 26, 2024
A Belgian court will hold a hearing on 17 May where it will be decided whether Belgian or EU prosecutors are competent to continue the ‘Pfizergate’ probe involving European Commission boss Ursula von der Leyen, according to a document seen by Euractiv.
In April 2021, the New York Times broke the so-called “Pfizergate” story, revealing that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had negotiated a contract for 1.8 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses during the pandemic with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in mobile phone texts that remain undisclosed to this day.
Rob Roos And Philipp Kruse
Luis Maria Pardo, President Iustitia Europa, Strasbourg, 12 December 2023
Bericht van Marcel de Graaf Europarlementariër bespreekt de sommatie en geeft aan dat ook de EMA is gesommeerd.
Volgende week bespreken Willem en Marcel met een aantal andere Europarlementariërs de opties om de injecties van de Europese markt te weren.
Roundtable discussion on the EMA’s shocking Covid vaccination revelations
Press Conference following the letter from the EMA
European Citizens

European Citizens’ Initiative
European Union CitizeEuropean Union Citizens’ Initiativens’ Initiative
One million signatures are needed for an upcoming EU Citizens’ Initiative in the 27 nations of the European Union. NOW is the time to organize. Signature collection begins 28 November 2023.
Collecting Signatures (Bulgaria)
Door to Freedom was initially supportive of the European Citizens’ Initiative. However, we have investigated it thoroughly and can no longer offer our support. There are many reasons why.
First, it is being misrepresented by some of its supporters, who claim it will impose binding requirements on the European government. It does no such thing.
Second, some supporters claim that it still has the support of people who actually left the ECI project.
Third, we have reviewed the petition ourselves and discussed it with 3 very knowledgeable attorneys, and concluded that the language is highly aspirational, but lacking in specifics. Thus there is no clear message to lawmakers, and it is not written in a way that it can be easily translated into laws. Lawmakers seek very clear “asks” and this document does not have them.
Fourth, it is excessively long, such that most people and elected officials are unlikely to even read it.
We have therefore concluded that while the document might have some educational value, it also gives European citizens false hope that it will be a legal catalyst for change. And it may waste their energy.
We want those engaged in this ECI petition to do so with open eyes.