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Letter sent to the Finnish court of appeal
The judges alone broke the procedural law on 8 occations alone with the government breaking the Finnish constitution and the European human right law.
Post by Mika Vauhkala
Testimony from Expert Witness Dr. Aseem Malhotra Highlights Shortcomings of Evidence-Based Medicine, Capture of the Medical Industry by Big Pharma, and Unjust Silencing of Whistleblowers
APRIL 12, HELSINKI, FINLAND—The Finnish government and Fazer Restaurants Ltd, a billion EUR food corporation, are in district court today defending themselves against allegations of human rights abuses related to the Covid passes.
The plaintiff, Mika Vahkala, is a 43-year-old Helsinki resident and entrepreneur who argues that the Covid passes and rigorous requirements during the pandemic violated Finland’s constitution and basic human rights. International observers are watching the case carefully as the World Health Organization and European Union have launched plans to implement digital passports globally when the next pandemic hits.
Lawsuit Against Government For Human Rights Violations During Pandemic
Finnish gov and Fazer sued for violations of human rights done with Covidpass
Recorded in Helsinki, Finland on 11.4.2024

Covidpass is an extremely important court case in the world. Mika Vauhkala, 43, has sued the Finnish gov and Fazer Restaurants Ltd for the human rights violations done with Covidpass in 2021.
The opponents and the judge Saarikoski did not let the court dates (10-12.4.2024) be filmed. Now you have the chance to hear Mika Vauhkala´s and Aseem Malhotra´s court speeches on stage and more.
Nothing will be held back. Come and get inspired. It´s piece of history.
Buy Tickets here
Mika Vauhkala – Case: Covidpass – interview with Stuckelberger Astrid
Astrid Schuckelberger is my Expert Witness on PCR tests fighting tyranny against Finnish gov and @FazerGroup Dr Stuckelberger has consulted #EU #WHO and govs of the world.
Suomi ei saa luovuttaa tosiasiallista päätösvaltaa kansanterveydestään Maailman terveysjärjestölle

Maailman terveysjärjestö (WHO) on aloittanut vuonna 2022 neuvottelut, joissa se pyrkii lisäämään merkittävästi päätösvaltaansa maailmanlaajuisten kansanterveystoimien osalta kahdella kansainvälistä lainsäädäntöä muuttavalla tavalla, pandemiasopimuksella ja kansainväliseen terveyssäännöstöön ehdotetuilla muutoksilla. Neuvotteluiden on määrä päättyä kyseisten asiakirjojen hyväksyntään WHO:n yleiskokouksessa toukokuussa 2024.