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Italy’s “The Truth” newspaper’s headline: No deal on the global pandemic treaty. Half the world rejects the WHO’s yoke.
“Europe, Africa and North America dispute (albeit for different reasons) the text that would give the UN agency the power to impose restrictions and health policies, including vaccinations, to all countries should another COVID-type crisis occur.”

Italian government will never stick to global green pass.
We say no to WHO power grab.

Press release no. 13 (12 May 2024)
Overt and hidden pitfalls in the New WHO Pandemic Treaty and in the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). Risks to national sovereignty and democracy.
written by the independent Medical-Scientific Commission (CMSi).
12May 2024

A Global overview of the International situation with the WHO
The discussion is scheduled to begin in Geneva on May 27, which should then lead to the vote on the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the International Health Regulations. It is not yet clear what the attitude of the Italian Government will be, however, there are already some states that announce their intention to “say no”.
To Watch➡️

Dr. Meryl Nass: WHO’s pandemic plans are built on lies and misdirection – April 21, 2024
WHO is not an honest broker, Dr. Meryl Nass told a room of Italian politicians, doctors and nurses. “Its pandemic plans are built on lies and misdirection.”
In Rome on Friday, the Commission Medico Scientifica Indepente (“CSMI”) hosted a conference titled ‘Perspectives of the World Health Organisation: From Advisory Body to World Government?’
The conference was originally scheduled to take place in the Italian parliament but was moved to the next-door Capranichetta Conference Room. According to Professor Norman Fenton, who was one of the experts who gave a presentation, the room was completely full with a mix of politicians, doctors, journalists and researchers.
government league party ask to defund WHO and to reject both Treaty and amendments

Videoconferenza dentro la Notizia
A colloquio con Robert Malone
Kat Lindley (Global Health Project): given the level of corruption there is only one way: get out of WHO!
At WHO, the bulk of the money today comes from public-private partnerships like the Gates Foundation, Gavi and Wellcome Trust. And it is “donated” for quid pro quo: primarily adopting massive global vaccine programs.
Saturday 27 January at 9.30PM on Byoblu
Sabato 27 gennaio alle ore alle 21:30 su Byoblu (canale 262 digitale terrestre)
Nel silenzio sempre più assordante dei media generalisti Byoblu torna a parlare degli strumenti legislativi attraverso i quali l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità sta mettendo a punto un insidioso assalto alla sovranità degli stati in materia sanitaria. L’avvocato svizzero Philipp Kruse, da anni specializzato nelle violazioni dei diritti umani praticate attraverso le leggi emergenziali Covid, sta visitando diversi stati europei per illustrare a cittadini e parlamentari il Trattato Pandemico e gli emendamenti al Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale.

Global “Ministry of Truth” arriving if Pandemic Treaty and new health regulation pass
Kate Lindley (Global Health Project): on vaccines, drugs and treatments, doctors will only be allowed to say what the WHO has approved, which will be able to ask states to punish citizens who do not comply.
Who funds the WHO?
“Organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, linked to Bill Gates, and others such as Gavi, Cepi and the World Bank, have contributed large sums to the WHO. This was evident when, during the Trump presidency, the United States stopped the funding for six months in 2020, and Bill Gates became the main financier of the WHO.”
intervista A Dottoressa meryl Nass e l’avvocato: L`O.M.S. Diverrà Dittatura Sanitaria Globale
Meryl N ass, MD, medico e ricercatore che ha dimostrato che la più grande epidemia di antrace al mondo era dovuta alla guerra biologica.
Ha rivelato i pericoli del vaccino contro l’antrace, indagato sulla sindrome della guerra del golfo e ha sfidato l’indagine dell’FBI sulle lettere all’antrace. Ha rilasciato 6 testimonianze al Congresso degli Stati Uniti e molte altre testimonianze alle legislature statali su bioterrorismo, sicurezza dei vaccini, covid e salute pubblica.
Ha svolto consulenze per la Banca Mondiale, il Ministero della Salute cubano.
Consulente scientifico di Children’s Health Defense.
La sua licenza medica è stata sospesa nel 2022 per aver prescritto farmaci anti covid.
Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths

Published on December 12, 2023 by Vigilant News Network
“He knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects.”
In questa puntata di “1984: Piano di fuga”, il talk show di Byoblu condotto da Francesco Borgonovo, abbiamo deciso di dedicare ampio spazio al tema della violenza sulle donne.
Non prima, però, di intervistare Meryl Nass, presidente di Door to freedom, in merito ai rischi connessi col nuovo trattato sulle pandemie dell’Oms. Un’altra di quelle organizzazioni sovranazionali che vorrebbero appropriarsi, al riparo da qualunque processo democratico, della sovranità degli Stati nazionali.
Short Clip
“The new WHO pandemic treaty is a threat to the sovereignty of states.”
Meryl Nass, president of Door to freedom a 1984 ESCAPE PLAN with Francesco Borgonovo
“Ha le stesse insidie del mes” La lega in allerta sul trattato Oms

Il partito si consulta con i giuristi. Borghi “Ci sono passaggi problematici, vigilermo”
Interview with Meryl Nass in Rom
Marco Rizzo e Francesco Toscano di Democrazia Sovrana Popolare, hanno incontrato a Roma la Dottoressa Meryl Nass, epidemiologa ed esperta in bioterrorismo negli Stati Uniti, per denunciare la trama che l’OMS sta facendo per privarci di ogni sovranità, non solo quella sanitaria ma anche quelle sui diritti individuali, le libertà di espressione e la stessa proprietà delle nostre case.
L`OMS vuole imporci le pandemie e decidere i farmaci per curarle

Published November 28, 2023 in LaVerità
The WHO wants to impose pandemics on us and decide on the drugs to treat them
Behind a paywall
Health and money:
how WHO will decide our therapies in the future
Dr. Nass describes the issues with the proposed Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments, with consecutive translation in Italian.

Sunday January 14th 2024 from 2pm – 7pm CET
“Via Maestri del Lavoro, 20099 Sesto San Giovanni, una location facilmente accessibile dalla metropolitana rossa di Sesto Rondò -, domenica 14 gennaio alle ore 14:00 si terrà il convegno internazionale “Verità Nascoste. Esploriamo cos’è l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS)“, un dibattito sulle sfide globali nel campo della sanità e della sovranità nazionale.”