Are you in New Zealand and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add?
Have something to add? Please email us.
Stop The WHO Pandemic Treaty – With Meryl Nass MD, Andrew Bridgen MP & Barry Young
The W.H.O. & You: Exploring Agendas, Treaties, Sovereignty & More!

On Friday, 17 May 2024, esteemed leaders in their fields, Professor Ramesh Thakur and Dr David Bell, and everyone’s favourite legal beagle, Katie Ashby-Koppens (from Legal Hub), will join us for a special, one-night-only event in Auckland Central.
They Are Censoring & Silencing Us
Interview with Dr. Meryl Nass – The Planned Dismantling of the Medical Care System | Clip
Briefing – Public Feedback on IHR
This is the summary of the latest response to the request for submissions from the public.
The People’s Health Alliance and Dana Lee, of The Rebel Papillon have united to host this not to be missed interview with Dr. Meryl Nass.
Is a threat to our Sovereignty on the horizon?
The time is now to educate ourselves about what is really going on!
Dr. Meryl Nass of Door to Freedom, will be discussing WHO, the Pandemic Treaty, and the IHR amendments. What does all this mean for the people, and our future generations? WHO’s Fooling Who? The question everyone should be considering.

This is an amazing opportunity to have your questions answered by Dr. Meryl Nass. With clear understanding, collectively we can shift our focus towards creating solutions.
‘But what can I do, I am just one person, said seven billion people! Together we are unstoppable’!Please register here to join:After registering you will receive a confirmation email with details for joining the live meeting.
Please register here to join:
Our Zoom meeting
After registering you will receive a confirmation email with details for joining the live meeting.
The New Zealand government has provided opportunity to public to give submissions on
The December 2022 300 + amendments to the International Health Regulations:
The 30 October 2023 Pandemic Agreement and Treaty negotiations:
Encouraging everyone to make submissions by 18 February 2024.
Sections 8 and 9, of this website will help people with writing submissions:

Once the new government was elected, The People’s Letter was updated by Voices For Freedom and sent to the new Prime Minister and coalition leaders raising questions about the legality of reserving the Article 59 Amendments
Making this an election issue (held October 2023) was really powerful with the new incoming government including the following into its Coalition Agreement:
“As part of the above, by 1 December 2023 reserve against proposed amendments to WHO health regulations to allow the incoming government to consider these against a “National Interest Test”.”

Letter sent to NZ’s Attorney General and the Human Rights commissioner from highly qualified delegates. The letters have been acknowledged and responses are pending.
The People’s Letter to be delivered to the WHO given New Zealand was in caretaker government mode. A project run by Voices For Freedom, which received 12,711 signatures in less than 2 weeks
Consultations opens on proposed amendments to the international Health regulations (2005)
The Ministry of Health is inviting the views of New Zealanders on proposals to update a significant global health agreement.
Citizens of New Zealand is welcome to use any parts of Kirsten Murfitt’s, Lawyer open letter that was sent to the Parliament on the 15th of January, 2024.
Open Letter to the NZ Government – click here

Second email to the Ministry of foreign affairs on the opportunity to provide submissions. See attached communications to the minister of foreign affairs on this issue and also Katie ashby-koppens substantive submissions
Open Letter to the NZ Government – click here
An increasing number of New Zealanders are concerned, and many blissfully unaware, that the World Health Organization (“WHO“) is designing the architecture for a singular controlling authority for global health which now includes climate change and environmental health surveillance.

New Zealand Health Ministry has posted details about their rejection of the May 2022 IHR(2005) Amendments to their website.
Notice of Reservation:
The New Zealand First new coalition government informed its newsletter recipients that a formal reservation to the May 2022 amendments had been made before the deadline.
What if? And who to trust?
The biggest danger is that, if the WEF and WHO have their way with censorship, nobody will know what’s really going on in the world.
By The independent Journalist Keri molloy

Update: NZ Data
Petition of Kirsten Murfitt: Reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)

Over 25k Signatures Received!

Petition request
That the House of Representatives urge the Government to reject the proposed minor amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) which are due to come into force in May 2024.
Petition reason
I believe the proposed amendments to the IHR and the proposed international agreement on pandemic prevention would establish the WHO as the controlling authority of global health. I believe this means individual nations would surrender their sovereignty to unelected bureaucrats with discretionary powers to lockdown their citizens and economy for any international public health emergency. If NZ does not formally reject the amendments by 1 December 2023, we will be deemed to have accepted them.
Say No –
International Health Regulations. How you can help.
Open Letter to Parliament – IHR – November 2023