All our resource pages and compendiums, linked from one page

United States

Silhouette Photo of Jumping Person during Twilight Hour

Take Action

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What can you do to help? Federal Legislation we are watching State Legislation of interest What can Lawmakers do? What can State Leaders and Activists do? Handouts & Translations –…
Old stone government building exterior with statue on top near pond between trees in USA


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The ongoing list of US Federal legislative actions we are watching.
Gray Rocky Field Under Gray Clouds

State Legislation

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Ongoing list of USA State level legislation we are watching.
Man Standing On Stage Facing An American Flag

2023 NDAA

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The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2023, formally known as H.R.7776 – James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 enacted Subtitle D – International Pandemic…
Brown and Blue Desk Globe

State Leaders and Activists

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A collection of background documents and information for local organizers, focused on issues in the United States. Contents:


Photo of Beige and Green Castle

What can Lawmakers do?

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Twelve Issues that may be useful to Parliamentarians who wish to challenge the WHO. Door to Freedom has examined this problem from many angles.  Because the WHO is not under…
Black Textile

Actions Around the World

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Links to all the actions, petitions, open letters, demonstrations, and organizations working to stop the global coup. Have something to add? Please email us. Highlighted Actions: The letter, dated May…
Faceless black man showing stop gesture with hand

Challenges to the WHO

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How are lawmakers challenging the WHO? See their letters. Find below all the notices of legal challenge, rejection, or reservation that have been sent to the WHO. Are we missing…

World Health Organization Information Pages

Contemporary white car decorated with blue World Health Organization flag and sticker parked on street

W.H.O. Resource Page

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Both the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Pandemic Treaty are treaties. Unless the US Senate changes its stance, they will not go through 2/3rd Senate Ratification. The Current Draft…
Crop laboratory technician in white uniform using pipette for taking sample from test tube during biochemical experiment in researching center

Debunking Pandemic Narratives

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The system does not want you to do your own research and does not want you to think for yourself. We think it is critical you do your own research…

Pandemic Treaty Compendium

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Pandemic Treaty Compendium The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) Pandemic Treaty Drafts: LATEST VERSION “Bureau Text” June 2nd 2023 “Zero Draft” February 1st 2023 “Conceptual Zero Draft” November 25th 2022 “Working Draft” July 13th, 2022

IHR Compendium

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Links go to the original files stored on the WHO website. We are preserving copies locally on our servers for posterity, which you can access via the blue buttons. Current IHR…

What are the International Health Regulations?

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While the current IHRs have been considered recommendations and not orders, the members of the World Health Assembly (the W.H.O. member states) decided to amend the existing IHR in March…