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ROUND TABLE – The WHO and citizens’ tools to combat their intentions of total control

Taking advantage of the stay in Barcelona of the Canarian lawyer Cristina Armas,
UNITS PER LA VERITAT organized a round table on April 18 at the Joan Oliver Civic Center to discuss “The WHO and the tools available to citizens to combat its intentions of total control.”
At the table there was Eva Manich and Víctor Morales, collaborating lawyers of UNITS, who presented
Dutch Parliament Votes to Postpone WHO Votes on Treaties (ES)
Cómo detener el Tratado de Pandemia | Entrevista con la Dra. Meryl Nass, por Yuri Roshka
Stop the WHO
To all voices with critical thinking:
From the Iniciativa “Rompe el Silencio” (ReS) (Brake the Silence), we want to call a demonstration in Madrid to denounce the WHO pandemic treaty with the slogan.
This group expressly renounces to have any protagonism, which would fall exclusively on the citizenship. ReS would contribute its organizational work and the initiative’s slogan. Pulchritude, neutrality and absolute transversality of the call and the event. Given our limitations of all kinds in the ReS initiative, we turn to you to ask for your maximum collaboration in the diffusion of this call and in the massive appeal to the citizenship.
We propose to put all of us equally, in unison and above differences, at the service of the greatest mobilization of the state dissidence around this literally bleeding cause.
Please send us your response with your impressions and disposition.
The WHO intends a Health Dictatorship that will affect ALL humanity as of May 2024
No to the WHO Pandemic Treaty
Do you know who you are trusting your health to?
March 16th Madrid
Plaza de la Provincia in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Desde la Iniciativa Rompe el Silencio, queremos convocar una manifestación en Madrid en denuncia al tratado de pandemias de la OMS con el lema
Este grupo renuncia expresamente a tener ningún protagonismo, el cual recaería exclusivamente en la ciudadanía. ReS aportaría su trabajo organizativo y el lema de la iniciativa. Pulcritud, neutralidad y transversalidad absoluta de la convocatoria y el acto. Dadas nuestras limitaciones de todo tipo en la iniciativa ReS nos dirigimos a ti/vosotr@s para pediros vuestra máxima colaboración en la difusión de esta convocatoria y en el llamamiento masivo a la ciudadanía.
Os proponemos ponernos todos por igual, al unísono y por encima de las diferencias, al servicio de la mayor movilización de la disidencia estatal en torno a esta causa literalmente sangrante.
Enviadnos por favor vuestra respuesta con vuestra impresión y disposición.

Iustitia Europa is going on a Bus tour in spain.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet Iustitia Europa in your town to get the latest information about the WHO’s plans.
Liberum files a complaint for genocide and crimes against humanity against the WHO DG and European Authorities
Gijón, December 19, 2023- Immediate distribution. The Liberum Association, recognized for its outstanding
work in the defense of human rights and freedoms in Spain, has taken a transcendental step in its
track record in filing a complaint for genocide and crimes against humanity against Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2017, and against the European authorities.
This complaint, pioneer in its field, focuses on the response and management of the COVID-19 health crisis,
pointing to the global repercussions of the measures adopted. The Liberum Association has announced the
filing of its first global complaint against Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is the
director general of the World Health Organization. He has also filed a complaint against the
European authorities involved in managing the COVID crisis. This is the first big action Liberum, which has already achieved numerous legal successes in Spain in the defense of human rights and freedoms. This step seeks to extend this defense to the entire world population in the case of management of COVID, which led to repeated and enormous cases of limitations on freedoms, rights and
increased health risks for millions of people around the world.
General Information about the WHO Treaty and the IHR amendments – Canarias Despierta y Unida

Canarias Despierta y Unida es una plataforma ciudadana, sin vinculación política, creada para la defensa y salvaguarda de los derechos y libertades fundamentales de los ciudadanos de Canarias en todos sus ámbitos (salud, educación, laboral, etc.) denostada por los organismos oficiales estatales y autonómicos desde marzo de 2020.