Are you living in Switzerland and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add?
Have something to add? Please email us.
Lawyers Press Conference – Press release
The National Council met for an extraordinary session to deal with the outstanding issue. The motion “No WHO agreement without parliamentary approval”, presented by the SVP parliamentary group in June 2022, calls for WHO agreements that could have consequences for Switzerland to be submitted to parliament. A demand that the political observer and over 35,000 signatories have also called for with the petition “WHO Treaties: Parliament and the people must decide!”
The Federal Council asked for the motion to be rejected. The reason for this is that only once the negotiations have been completed will it be possible to decide whether Parliament should take a decision on the matter, or whether the state government can do so itself. The motion was passed by 116 votes to 69. The parliamentary groups voted almost unanimously for or against. The SVP, FDP and Center supported the motion. The SP, Greens and GLP rejected it. It was not clear from the parliamentary debate whether the rejection was of a fundamental nature, whether Parliament should not vote on the WHO contracts, or whether it wished to wait for the end of the negotiations first.
National Councillor Franz Grüter from the canton of Lucerne welcomed the adoption of the motion. He is one of the parliamentarians at the forefront of the fight against the rejection of WHO contracts.
The motion is currently being examined by the Health Committee of the Council of States. Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider’s comments during the plenary discussion show that the National Council’s Commission for Social Insurance and Health (SGK-N) will be taking part in its next 2/3 session. WHO treaties were on the agenda in May.
Kein WHO Abkommen ohne parlamientarische Genehmigung
Pas d’accord de l’OMS sans l’approbation du Parlement
Nessun accordo con l’OMS senza l’approvazione del Parlamento
Petition ans Parlament
WHO-Verträge: Parlament und Bevölkerung sollen entscheiden!
Rally and March on June 1st 2024, Geneva. The Geneva Project Upcoming Events
Say NO to the WHO: Join the Road to Geneva Citizens Convoy!
Join our convoy alongside thousands of freedom lovers from Thursday 30th May to take part in a historic rally outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva on Saturday 1st June!
Join us here:
Telegram @roadtogeneva
Exclusive interview of independent lawyer Philipp Kruse
On February 7th 2024, Philipp Kruse and his team filed their updated 1150-page criminal complaint and evidence report against Swissmedic.
Exclusive interview of independent lawyer Philipp Kruse, the attorney who filed the 300-page complaint against the Swiss Agency for the Authorization of Medicinal Products. Philipp Kruse is talking about his fight for truth in an interview that provides an in-depth exploration of a delicate subject and that tackles the tough questions, an interview that calls for action !
Complaint against Swissmedic
Retract – die Reformpläne der WHO
The information short film on the draft treaties of the WHO – World Health Organization
The German lawyer Dr. Beate Pfeil , the Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse and I, Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg , as an Austrian doctor, hopes to be able to offer many people good explanations and motivation to educate those around them with this film.
World Health Alliance

Stellen Sie sich eine Zukunft vor, in der die WHO erneut einen Gesundheitsnotstand ausruft und Ihre Grundrechte massiv eingeschränkt werden.
Was wäre, wenn persönliche Freiheit und freie Meinungsäußerung nicht mehr selbstverständlich sind und wichtige Gesundheitsentscheidungen für Sie und Ihre Familie von anderen getroffen werden?
Nehmen Sie sich bitte drei Minuten Zeit, um Ihr Wissen zu den gefährlichen Plänen der WHO zu überprüfen. Gemeinsam können wir JETZT noch etwas verändern!
NZZ – Nora Kronig, könnte der Pandemiepakt der WHO die Grundlage sein für ein globales Impfzertifikat?

Artikel publiziert am 5. Dezember 2023 in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
“Soll die Schweiz dem umstrittenen Pandemiepakt der WHO beitreten? Muss das Parlament den Bundesrat bremsen wie zuvor beim Uno-Migrationspakt? Die Schweizer Botschafterin nimmt Stellung.”
Sourced on
Analyse des NZZ-Interviews vom 5. Dezember 2023 zwischen Katharina Fontana (NZZ) und Nora Kronig (BAG)

Analyse vom 15 Dezember 2023 der Pro Schweiz des am 5 Dezember 2023 publizierten NZZ Artikels
«Frau Botschafterin Kronig: Verkaufen Sie uns nicht für dumm!»
Das Interview strotzt von Unwahrheiten und falschen Aussagen. Deshalb haben wir das Interview zusammen mit unserem externen Rechtsexperten analysiert und veröffentlichen unsere Erkenntnisse als Zusammenfassung des Sachverhalts. Im Anhang werden die einzelnen Fragen im Detail kommentiert und bewertet.
Juristische Analyse
Juristische Analyse des Interviews vom 5. Dezember 2023 zwischen Katharina Fontana (NZZ) und Nora Kronig (BAG)
Ein Interview, das voller Unwahrheiten und Falschaussagen steckt, wurde von Rechtsexperten analysiert. Eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse finden Sie im folgenden Dokument.
Swiss cardiologist calls for the abolishment of the WHO
Reinfo-Sante #StopTheTreaty
Huit points de préoccupation majeure concernant les amendements proposés au réglement sanitaire international (RSI) et le traité de l’OMS (CA+)

Conference in Geneva followed by the screening from the film “TrustWHO? » Global health coup?
May 13, 2023
With a panel of international experts, this
event gathers information
important about the past, present and
the future of WHO, with emphasis on
expansion of powers through treaty
pandemic and amendments to the IHR.
All lectures are available at
watch in full and in short version,
with a written summary of their presentation.
Pressconference in bern on the WHO pandemic treaty
May 24, 2023
Organized by Ur Kantone and the Mouvement fédératif romand (MFR), with Philipp Kruse, Michelle Cailler (president of the MFR) and Delphine Héritier de Barros (president of Réinfo Santé).
The main requirement for politicians and scientists is:
negotiations with WHO must be immediately suspended and an international investigation launched into the management
of the pandemic by WHO..