This Interview is a repost with kind permission from the Interviewee
A talk with Jacob Nordangård about his new book, ‘Den digitala världshjärnan’.
This Interview is a repost with kind permission from the Interviewee
A talk with Jacob Nordangård about his new book, ‘Den digitala världshjärnan’.
The Corona crisis is the trigger for a global coup d’état of monumental dimensions. It is the beginning of a new era, with a new international economic order that risks completely destroying human freedoms. Tyrants have now taken over to forcibly steer us into a “climate smart” and “healthy” world…
In today’s installment, we will examine the One Health agenda and how it threatens to destroy both food freedom and medical freedom.
The term “One Health” was coined after the first SARS outbreak in the early 2000s to reflect the danger of new diseases emerging from human-animal contact. It refers to the idea of public health being not just about your health but also about animal and “planetary” health. It is framed in language designed to sound appealing and holistic.