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Have something to add? Please email us.
British MP Suella Braverman on the WHO Pandemic Agreement
“I am profoundly sceptical of the WHO’s ability to manage a global pandemic, in light of serious errors of judgement, poor leadership, and well-chronicled conflicts of interests.”
“In the heat of an emergency… there will be irresistible pressure that mounts on a government to make decisions which may well turn out to be wholly harmful and wrong ones for the good of the country.”
Andrew Bridgen: I will NOT back down
Excess Death debate – April 18th 2024
All MPs should be attending House of Commons debate on Excess Deaths in UK
We shut down society over fears of excess deaths
What could be more important than getting to the bottom of this issue now?

Letter by UsForThemUK sent to the director-general of the WHO Dr. Tedros
In response to his repeated smearing of those raising legitimate concerns about the anti-democratic impact of the WHO’s expansionist pandemic management proposals.
“You appear repeatedly to have misdirected or misled the press and the public by confining your defensive comments specifically to the Pandemic Agreement, when clearly you must know that there are two documents under negotiation and that it is the IHR Amendments which have drawn the greatest criticisms.”
“Your repeated claims that no sovereignty could be ceded by these agreements appears to be flatly contradicted by the November 2023 words of Lawrence Gostin, Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre … [who has been] refreshingly open about the fact that the proposals ‘may require all states to forgo some level of sovereignty in exchange for enhanced safety and fairness’.”
“We find it difficult to understand how the WHO’s most senior official could get this wrong. When you made those statements, were you negligently uninformed, or were you being deliberately deceptive?”
A Conversation #2 – Andrew Bridgen, Dr Ali Ajaz, Kate Blewett
A conversation between Andrew Bridgen (UK Member of Parliament), Dr Ali Ajaz (Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist) & Kate Blewett (Award-Winning Documentary Maker) discussing the politics and medicine of the recent phenomena of excess deaths in the UK and worldwide; Covid vaccine injuries and deaths; and why our political and medical establishments have failed in their duties to protect and service public.
The People’s Lawyers
UK Reject and Exit the WHO – pledge
Save Our Sovereignty

4th December UK Parliament: Lobby your MP
Letter templates to lobby your MP’s to attend the UK Parliament meeting on the 4th December at which doctors and analysts will give expert testimony on the pandemic and its consequences.
Petition The King

We are facing an imminent threat to our liberty. Why? Because our government has, in principle, already agreed to the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty (WHO CA+) being proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). This treaty is aimed at centralising the WHO’s control over health emergencies including pandemics.
End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization

The World Health Organisation is not a democratically elected body and we are concerned about the powers WHO may be given over Sovereign Nations in the future.
Together Letters: World Health Organization IHR Amendments

As many Together supporters already know, the WHO’s “IHR Amendments” sound boring, but contain some real nasties.
UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Stop the WHO Campaign

Template Letters, Petition, and Articles
The Great Freeset

Join Children’s Health Defense and World Council for Health to stand up and make a difference.
Save our Sovereignty

MP Andrew Bridgen is hosting another important meeting in UK Parliament on Monday 5th February.
MEP Christine Anderson, Dr Meryl Nass & Lawyer Philipp Kruse will discuss the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine harms, 15-minute cities, Farmers protests in Europe & the WHO power grab.
All MPs & Lords have been invited to this meeting so please lobby your MP to attend, you can find template letter & MP email addresses here: