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Dear Friends,

I have been writing and speaking a lot about Avian Influenza (H5N1 bird flu) recently.

Bird flu has been deliberately built up over 20 years as an extremely dangerous threat to humans. It was once a threat, but only to a few chicken farmers. Currently it is no threat at all, and if we were not seeking it out so vigorously, we would probably not even know about it.

US Navy scientists in Egypt tested over 8,ooo birds that had been trapped or shot between 2003 and 2009, and found that almost 10% tested positive for H5N1 bird flu! But they were healthy.

US federal agencies are following 9,000 farm workers in the US looking for bird flu cases. So far they have only found 4 in the past 2 years. All had mild illnesses. None were hospitalized and of course, none died.

Once upon a time, this virus did kill a small number of people, but less than 500 people worldwide, cumulatively, over more than 20 years. It has never spread person-to-person.

Over the past 4 years there are only 8 people worldwide who are reported to have died from bird flu. Since the WHO [mistakenly?] claimed a recent death from bird flu in Mexico, which the Mexican authorities forced the WHO to retract, we can't even be sure about these 8. Here is the WHO data on worldwide deaths from H5N1 bird flu:

Let me also say that no nation has reported anyone catching this disease from consuming food: not from milk, meat, chicken or eggs. So why all the fuss?

The possible reasons for the fuss are what I am afraid of. The authorities may be using this ginned-up animal pandemic for several reasons, none of them good:

  1. To gain greater control over how food can be produced and sold
  2. To push out small farmers, for whom imposing new "biosecurity" measures on their farms will be too expensive to stay in business. Many Dutch farmers have had to sell their farms, as more environmental regulations were imposed on them, and this may be the plan.
  3. To reduce the food supply with unnecessary culls
  4. To keep the population fearful
  5. To make synthetic foods more desirable
  6. To push the false notion that pandemics arise at the animal-human interface, and this interface should receive more attention and regulation
  7. To generate support for the One Health approach
  8. To generate support for the Global Biosecurity Agenda, the WHO Pandemic Treaty and national efforts of this type

Furthermore, pandemics are good business for the pandemic industry. Especially the vaccine industry. But pandemics also increase the status of many bureaucrats scattered throughout the US federal and state governments, the WHO, UN, European Union, and the funding of public health agencies worldwide.

For example:

A huge problem is that the vaccines that were created for these programs were not properly tested and are likely to be very dangerous. Two H5N1 bird flu vaccines in the US stockpile had mortality rates of 1% and 0.5% during clinical trials, but they were licensed anyway.

I had a lot of experience with this type of problem when I worked on the anthrax vaccine. No one thought the vaccine would be used, so substandard manufacturing, contamination of vials, and redating of expired product were overlooked. Millions of doses remained in a DOD stockpile.

Then, when massive reports of injuries appeared, the bureaucrats who had looked the other way and failed to regulate the product, were only concerned with covering up their mistakes. Millions of soldiers and thousands of others were injected with anthrax vaccine, for very questionable reasons. Many became permanently ill.

I don't want this to happen with bird flu vaccines, which is why I am issuing this alert. The federal government just gave Moderna a contract to make mRNA vaccines for bird flu. Clearly the federal government is building up the bird flu vaccine stockpile, and we may be facing down another COVID-like vaccine debacle in the near future.

So be warned. Forewarned is forearmed.



Meryl Nass, MD for Door to Freedom

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