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James Patrick is a filmmaker, economist and investigator. In response to the Covid-19 episode, he directed the film Planet Lockdown, shot in 9 countries []. He continues to produce films and an ongoing interview series that can be see at BigPicture.Watch

Watch the film NITROGEN 2000 here:


Meryl Nass, MD for Door to Freedom 


The Food Industry Is Facing a Hostile Takeover
Farmers across the western world are protesting, but why?

By James Patrick

In the summer of 2022 Dutch farmers made headlines when they protested about being stifled by the Nitrogen regulations. Earlier in 2022 farmers from throughout Western Europe descended  upon Brussels to demand a reprieve from a battery of ‘green’ policies squeezing them out of existence.

The regulations that were damaging the livelihood of farmers varied from country to country but had similar effects.

  • In Holland the issue was nitrogen from cows' excreta when the cows were located in designated "Natura 2000" areas.
  • In Germany the longstanding diesel tax exemption for farmers was lifted, causing the price of energy to skyrocket.
  • The green policies caused input costs to outstrip profits everywhere.
  • A cow farmer in the county I live in, in the eastern USA told me that several nearby farms stopped producing this year after running a loss the last two years.

Small farmers everywhere are under attack and only massive conglomerates are able to survive, but the quality of their production is inferior and so is the health of those that consume it.

Over the last 4 years we’ve been propagandized by publicly funded broadcasting about the virtues of eating insects. While venture capital firms pour money into an industry producing product nobody wants to eat, one has to wonder: what is the purpose behind this push?

In 2022 I directed the film NITROGEN 2000 which documents the ruthless campaign against the Dutch farmers, perpetrated by a combination of government agencies, political parties, NGOs and the media. Their objective is nothing less than to forcibly buy out half of the farmers of Holland. It is important to note that Holland, despite its small size, is the second largest exporter of food in the world, after the United States.

Considering that small farmers own 70% of the country's land, that comes to no less than 35% of the territory of Holland that is slated for nationalization, to be made into a "no go" zone. The entire policy is being pushed by half a dozen NGOs, which themselves are funded by the government. Once the land is acquired by the government, those same NGOs become the custodians of the land. It is a clever scheme, in which no money is put down yet total control is obtained.

Now who could be behind an operation with that level of sophistication and coordination between NGOs, media and government? This narrows the list of potential suspects.

This radical affront to property rights in the Netherlands is unprecedented, especially in a country like Holland, well known for her penchant for free trade. This liberal attitude gave rise to the economic successes she experienced from 1588 to 1672 with the Dutch East India Company, on up to today, when Holland is known for its sophisticated intellectual property laws and its business and trade-oriented people.

The proposed forced purchase of half the Dutch farmers' land reminds us of Stalin’s war on Ukraine's peasant farmers (kulaks), a connection which I make in the film NITROGEN 2000. Stalin saw the farmers as a threat because of their economic self-sufficiency. He ramped up the pressure on them until finally he confiscated the land, overtaxed the peasants and caused a widespread famine and millions of deaths.

Many see what is happening now to the Dutch farmers as a simply a new chapter of a similar agenda unfolding under a different name. Going back a century, one finds that the biggest international banking concerns financed the Russian Revolution from London and New York and created a model of total control for the population of Russia.

A distaste for free trade and preference for totalitarianism and an all-consuming push for global control seems insane to the average person. “Why would the biggest capitalists fund socialism?” many ask. Perhaps it isn’t any longer about money, but total control.

We must understand that what is happening to the Dutch farmers is just a piece of the larger story of the restructuring of the global food industry. During the lockdowns of 2020, when the food industry faced devastating losses due to supply chain disruptions caused by “public health” measures, the world’s largest private asset companies went on a buying spree consolidating the industry. A left-leaning research group called ETC Group wrote a comprehensive report documenting this, called "Food Barons 2022," which documents the controlling interest that firms like Blackrock purchased in each sector of the food industry. Bill Gates also went on a farmland buying spree.

With the declining quality of food being produced by larger and large conglomerates, the impression I get is that real food, high quality, nutritious food is going to become more and more costly.

My warning is to be vigilant. I think we must keep a cool head and know the tactics of our opponent. We can expect a continuing rise in food prices and a continuation of lower quality and synthetic substitutes.

The problem we face is that sophisticated oligarchs are using their influence to manipulate costs and reduce the profit margins of farmers via complex regulatory schemes. We must dismantle the counterproductive regulatory burdens farmers face to again provide high quality food for the public.

See the film NITGROEN 2000 at BigPicture.Watch



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