Western governments along with the World Health Organization (WHO) are in the midst of creating a massive, militarized health program for the world’s population. It is said to be about preparing and responding to future pandemics. Even though the world only had 4 pandemics in the past 100 years (three influenza and one COVID-19) our governments are planning for more pandemics to occur very soon, and are spending a great deal on this effort.
A permanent US Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response was launched [1] July 21, 2023, which will oversee the rapid production of vaccines, drugs and tests and will have additional roles, including surveillance for biological threats.[2] It is being led by a retired General.

The program has several names, but Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR), or the Global Biosecurity Agenda are two often-used names for similar programs around the world. They will cost hundreds of billions of dollars.
Below is the European Union pandemic strategy document [3], which was issued in March 2023. The European Parliament calls it “A Recalibrated Agenda.”[4] The E.U. especially wants new vaccines to be “developed and used” — and not only for infections, but for other (non-communicable) diseases too. It furthermore calls for “global governance…with WHO at its core.” [5]

For example, the document calls for support of GAVI, a vaccine charity founded by Bill Gates, which is a top donor to the WHO, and it calls for more vaccines specifically for Africa: [6]
Support the expanded uptake of vaccines against childhood illnesses and increasingly to support adult health including by continuing its strong support to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance that helps increase equitable and sustainable use of vaccines.
Ensure that innovative vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics for new, prevalent, or neglected infectious and non-communicable diseases, are developed and used, including through funding from Horizon Europe and the EU-Africa Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership for research, capacity building and strengthening of the regulatory environment in sub-Saharan Africa.
pg 10, International GHS Report
The US pandemic preparedness program is virtually identical to what the WHO and the EU are planning.
For his 2024 proposed CDC budget, President Biden has requested $20 billion [7] for pandemic preparedness — for just the Department of Health and Human Services. There will be more allotted for pandemics in the budgets of other federal agencies. From this proposed CDC 2024 budget we learn of this large sum in a footnote:

The justification for this program is that we did not manage the COVID pandemic well. But governments almost never admit their mistakes. Instead, our governments inform us they want to do what they did for COVID-19, only more so: [8]
- More surveillance
- More vaccines
- Faster vaccines (130 days to be ready to inject everyone)
- Faster tests
Our governments have not yet said they want more mandates, more lockdowns, more business closures. But they also have not said that these were mistakes, so we can probably anticipate more of these, too, when pandemics are declared.
The WHO has already declared 3 pandemics in the past 6 years, for Ebola, COVID-19 and monkeypox.
The WHO has proposed a new pandemic treaty, which has been referred to by many names, while its only permanent name is CA+. A new international fund[9] has been created through the World Bank to finance the build-out of the pandemic preparedness-biosecurity agenda, worldwide. The fund states,
And a set of amendments to the WHO’s existing International Health Regulations are being negotiated–with plans to vote on them and the pandemic treaty in May of 2024. The amendments turn an existing set of recommendations into a new set of obligatory directives that countries must obey.
Under the pretext of pandemic preparedness, increasingly totalitarian policies are being rolled out, and our human rights are being trampled on. The new treaty and amendments that are being negotiated now remove existing guarantees of human rights and freedoms during designated emergencies, and also transfer authority for managing pandemics from individual nations to the WHO.
We think this is part of a larger agenda to change our society according to a Great Reset plan, and this website is designed to help you learn more about exactly what is happening and what you can do.
[1] https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/07/21/fact-sheet-white-house-launches-office-of-pandemic-preparedness-and-response-policy/
[2] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/21/us/politics/paul-friedrichs-white-house-pandemic-office.html
[3] https://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/international_ghs-report-2022_en.pdf
[4] https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2023/739306/EPRS_BRI(2023)739306_EN.pdf
[5] https://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/international_ghs-report-2022_en.pdf page 7
[6] https://health.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/international_ghs-report-2022_en.pdf, page 10
[7] https://www.cdc.gov/budget/documents/fy2024/FY-2024-CDC-Budget-Detail.pdf
[8] https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/18/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-releases-strategy-to-strengthen-health-security-and-prepare-for-biothreats/
[9] https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/financial-intermediary-fund-for-pandemic-prevention-preparedness-and-response-ppr-fif