Upcoming Events

November 6-10, 2023
INB secret meetings to discuss the new “negotiating text.”

November 8th 2023
Educational Breakfast: The Fundamental Transformation of the WHO from Health Advisor to Global Dictator

November 9th 2023
Introductory Door to Freedom Coalition Building Call

December 1, 2023
Deadline to reject the amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2022

December 4-6, 2023
INB Seventh meeting

December 7-8, 2023
Last meeting of the IHR

December 15, 2023
300+ amendments to be submitted to IHRRC

January 15, 2023 (or thereabouts)
300+ amendments to be submitted to WHO

Not scheduled for the citizens of the world, not ever:

Media discussion
Public comment
Congressional/Parliamentary debate

Current and Upcoming Actions

The WHO Can’t Tell Us What to Do
Petition Organized by Stand For Health Freedom
calling on the US Government to Exit the WHO

Canadian Petition to Exit the UN and the WHO
CANADA! Sign the petition to Exit the UN and Exit the WHO

Swedish Petition to Exit the Who

Past Events

September 23, 2023
Worldwide Rally for FREEDOM
London, England UK and Worldwide

September 29th-October 1st
Stockholm, Sweden
Conference: On Guard for the Liberty of Mankind

October 1st, 2023
Södermalm, Stockholm
Organizer: https://exitwho.se/

October 3, 2023
Last day for UK residents and citizens to sign this petition…

October 2-6, 2023
WGIHR secret meetings
Video of October 2 2023 WGHIR

October 16, 2023
New “negotiating draft” of the WHO CA+ to be quietly circulated privately

October 9th 2023
CANADA! Sign the petition to Exit the UN and Exit the WHO

October 30, 2023
Formal publication of new “negotiating draft.”