The Digital ID Threat Is Real: Don’t Fall for Empty Promises and Trojan Horse Reforms

The Digital ID Threat Is Real: Don’t Fall for Empty Promises and Trojan Horse Reforms

At Solari, our focus is on working to protect financial transaction freedom and expose the central bankers’ dangerous agenda of complete financial transaction control. Digital IDs—which, in combination with other digital systems, can “be used to monitor our whereabouts, limit our freedom of movement and control our access to money, goods and services”—are a linchpin of the control agenda, and one that the bankers and their technocratic allies are eager to bring to fruition

I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do?

I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do?

Many subscribers and readers of the Solari Report have asked how they can stop the implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the U.S. and other countries. It is important to recognize that there is a great deal that each one of us can do to take action. In a highly leveraged financial system such as we have, a single individual counts for a lot. Get ready to support Financial Transaction Freedom.

Statue of Liberty

Working Successfully with State Leaders Who Will Take Responsibility – PDF Now Available!

By Catherine Austin Fitts

For our 1st Quarter 2024 Wrap Up, our theme is Using the U.S. States’ Constitutional Powers to Preserve Sovereignty and Financial Freedom: How We Can Stop the Coup. We believe that there is an essential step to stop central bankers’ push for full financial control and interrupt the accelerating asset grab and other plunder capitalist takings—and that is by working to ensure the necessary infrastructure and conditions of financial transaction freedom, especially at the state level.

SUPPORT:  Interstate Milk Freedom Act – HR 8374 

SUPPORT:  Interstate Milk Freedom Act – HR 8374 

Notwithstanding the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 264), and any regulations or other guidance thereunder, a Federal department, agency, or court may not take any action (including any administrative, civil, criminal or other action) that would prohibit, interfere with, regulate, or otherwise restrict the interstate traffic of milk, or a milk product, that is unpasteurized and packaged for direct human consumption, if— 

SUPPORT:  Right to Food Amendment 

SUPPORT:  Right to Food Amendment 

Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Right to Food  

Earlier this year Representative Thomas Massie proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that states: 

The right of the people to grow food and to purchase food from the source of their choice shall not be infringed and Congress shall make no law regulating the production and distribution of food products which do not move across state lines.

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