Propaganda Toolkit #1: Ad Hominem Attacks

Propaganda Toolkit #1: Ad Hominem Attacks

Commonly known as “name-calling,” an ad hominem attack “shoots the messenger” in order to deflect from the substance of an issue. It generally means that a criticism of one’s character has been made, rather than a criticism of the issue. Name calling, or the ad hominem attack, is perhaps the most well-known and easy to identify…

The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger

The WHO Is a Real and Present Danger

Our governments intend to transfer decisions over our health, families, and societal freedoms to the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), whenever he or she declares it necessary. The success of this transfer of power depends on public ignorance of its implications, and of the nature of the WHO itself and its recent pandemic policy reversals…

Human Rights

Human Rights

The 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has been signed and ratified by 173 countries, including the US. It recognizes that the “inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family [are] the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.” It then specifies the rights of all peoples: “All peoples have the right…

Misinformation and Censorship

Misinformation and Censorship

One cannot watch much media these days without seeing a pundit from an elite journalistic or academic institution claim that this or that is “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Claims of misinformation and disinformation have blown up over the past five years.  While such claims appear to have the noble goal of spreading only factual information, do they really do so?…

Are Elections Honest?

Are Elections Honest?

Probably most would agree that the two-party system keeps important topics like peace and single-payer healthcare out of the public discourse and ensures that candidates outside the mainstream will never have fair access to the election process. We know that PACs and corporate campaign finance (Citizens United) have an outsized effect on who gets…

Powerful Philanthropy

Powerful Philanthropy

With the founding of the United Nations in the immediate aftermath of WWII a powerful global framework emerged out of the rubble. While the United Nations is generally associated with “keeping the peace,” the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund soon arose to perform additional functions…

What is ESG?

What is ESG?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance and is a set of standards put forth by the WEF to challenge corporations to rate themselves on their social responsibility, and to offer investors a way to choose their investments by evaluating corporations using these standards. The standards encompass:
– The “E” captures energy efficiencies…

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Your Life

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Your Life

Understanding the promise and perils of AI technology Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long captured the human imagination. We’ve all watched movies where humans interact with machine intelligence that mimics or surpasses human intelligence. In these movies, there is a split between utopian and dystopian visions of AI…

What is computer modeling?

What is computer modeling?

Physics can predict the behavior of simple systems very accurately. For a ball tossed in the air, you can solve an equation that reliably tells the trajectory.
But most things that happen in the world have many causes and many effects, and the causes and effects interact. In order to make predictions, computer programmers write…

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