The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics

The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics

On September 20th our representatives meeting at the United Nations (UN) will sign off on a ‘Declaration’ titled: “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” This was announced as a ‘silence procedure,’ meaning that States not responding will be deemed supporters of the text.

The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics 

The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics 

This report is designed to help readers think about some big topics: how to really prevent pandemics and biological warfare, how to assess proposals by the WHO and its members for responding to pandemics, and whether we can rely on our health officials to navigate these areas in ways that make sense and will help their populations…

Meryl Nass M.D. invited to speak about her article “The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics”

Meryl Nass M.D. invited to speak about her article “The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics”

Dr Meryl Nass on The Chris Smith Show – 24 August 2023 Dr. Meryl Nass on Securing America…

Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This Post contains all 19 Webinars hosted & organized by Stop Vax Passports. The Topics are #1 Vaccine Passports, #2 Military Vaccine Mandates, #3 Vaccine Mandates for Children, #4 Natrual Immunity Matter, #5 Covid Mandates, #6 Covid Mandates, #7 Digital Gulag, #8 Stop The Sellout Of US Sovereignty To The WHO, #9 The Digital Gulag At Davos and The WHO, #10 Covid Jabs, #11 Covid Injections and Women, #12 Covid Coercion and Fraud…

An Update on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda – This affects YOU

An Update on the Pandemic Preparedness Agenda – This affects YOU

Western governments along with the World Health Organization (WHO) are in the midst of creating a massive, militarized health program for the world’s population. It is said to be about preparing and responding to future pandemics. Even though the world only had 4 pandemics in the past 100 years…

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