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The website “The Beef Initiative” offers an overview on the concept Know Your Cow. We list the concept details below and highly recommend you visit their site. You have the option to share your email-address to receive more information and articles.

KYC – Know Your Cow by the Beef Initiative

Why should you know your cow?


With The Beef Initiative, you can trace every cut of beef back to the source. Know the rancher, know the practices, and most importantly, know your cow. Our KYC is based on the motto: Shake Your Rancher’s Hand.


Empower yourself to have full control over your beef supply. No intermediaries, no middlemen – just you and your trusted local ranchers.

Verifiably Real

In a world where authenticity matters, The Beef Initiative ensures that every product is transparent and traceable back to the rancher who serves you. Know exactly where your beef comes from and trust in the quality and integrity of what you consume.

Decentralized Food Sourcing

By decentralizing food sourcing, we bring the power back to the consumers. Support local ranchers, reduce reliance on centralized supply chains, and enjoy fresher, healthier beef.

Localized Food Production

Our network emphasizes localized food production, promoting sustainable practices and supporting local economies. Enjoy the benefits of farm-to-table beef, with less environmental impact and more community support.

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