A collection of background documents and information for local organizers, focused on issues in the United States.


  1. Just Say No To The W.H.O. Rally
  2. Sovereignty Coalition’s weekly Meetings
  3. Briefing on the International Health Regulations Amendments
  4. One page overview
  5. The Strategy to Stop the WHO
  6. Three page background information
  7. Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them
  8. Model letter from state Attorney General to President
  9. Letter to Member of Congress
  10. State Leg WHO Simple Flyer
  11. Taking a Good Look at Pandemic Preparedness
  12. Talking Points
  13. The WHOs Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man Made Pandemics
  14. Estonia Final Statement of Dispute Between States May 6 2024
  15. Petition from 15 State Attorneys Generals to HHS in 2022 (great information on states rights)
  16. Louisiana bill against the WHO, WEF, and UN unanimously passed State senate
  17. Exiting the World Health Organization

Sovereignty Coalition’s weekly Meetings for state leaders & Activists

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Monday’s at 8pm ET Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpduCpqD0uHdTRusy4KEGBsJEngFSmivq3#/registration Follow @SovCoalition and @KLVeritas for notifications on Weekly W.H.O Update on X Spaces,Wednesdays, 7 pm ET through June 5https://twitter.com/sovcoalition

Exiting the World Health Organization

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A question often asked is how nations can leave the WHO, since there is no procedure for exiting the WHO specified in the WHO’s Constitution. International law professor Francis Boyle…