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MD Meryl Nass about creation of the Covid-injections in a discussion with Mikael Willgert
Debate in Swedish parliament. All confidence in the WHO is lost
MD Meryl Nass and MP Elsa Widding interviewed by Mikael Willgert about WHO in Swedish Swebbtv

the first letter of the Focus WHO campaign is out – the letter is sent to all politicians and government cabinet members.
Letter to the social committee regarding WHO 2 May 2024
EN Translation
Today, 36 members of the Doctors’ Appeal network have sent the following letter to the members of the Swedish Parliament’s Social Affairs Committee.
Stockholm 2 May 2024
To members and deputies of the Social Affairs Committee
Swedish self-determination is threatened if the WHO’s proposed pandemic agreement and changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are voted through by the 194 member states of the World Health Organisation (WHO). A vote is reportedly planned already this month. As a politician, do you know what the proposals mean for Swedish self-determination?
We are convinced that the proposals mean that Sweden’s ability to act independently during a pandemic will disappear completely. These can include demands for forced vaccination, demands for isolation, school closures and much more.
As a politician, you must at least ensure that the consequences for individual countries are clarified before decisions are taken. Keep in mind that a Swedish ‘yes’ vote means that the decisions will be legally binding for our country, which cannot be changed afterwards.
Sweden should work to ensure that the decision in the WHO is postponed until the consequences for the individual countries have been clarified. Please ensure that the decision is postponed and that the consequences for the individual countries are carefully analysed before any decisions are made.
Thank you,
For the 36 signatures, see the image.
WHO Campaign
Debate – Jakob Forssmed – Elsa Widding
Swedish MP, Elsa Widding asks the The Swedish Prime minister if he was planning to reject the May 27, 2022 amendments, before the 1st of December, 2023. The prime minister admits his imperfection in that matter.
Swedish MP, Elsa Widding in a debate with the Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forsmed about the WHO’s tyrannical powergrab
Folkets Radio | A campaign to break the silence – Clip (SV with EN subs)
Watch full video on DoorToFreedom`s Peertube Channel or on Folkets Radio`s Youtube Channel

Answer from the Swedish Minister of Social affairs on Elsa Widding’s question about the Swedish Public health agency’s recommendations on the pcr tests.

Question to the Swedish Minister of Social Affairs Jakob Forsmed (KD) about the Swedish Public health Agency’s recommendations about the PCR-test
by the Swedish independent Politician Elsa Widding

Answer from the swedish minister of social affairs on Elsa Widding’s question regarding Declining Birth rate
Stockholm, March 13th
Please click the button below to read the answer both in Swedish and English

Answer from the swedish minister of social affairs on Elsa Widding’s question regarding Purchase of vaccine doses
Stockholm, March 13th
Please click the button below to read the answer both in Swedish and English
Legal actions
Debate in SWEDISH PARLIAMENT about WHO´s planned powergrab
Open Letter to the swedish government and parliament
Sweden must leave the WHO if the changes to the organization’s constitution is not stopped
Here you can see the MPs’ (non-response) to Exit WHO’s open letter – Only 13 out of 349 MPs chose to respond
Read here

Open Letter with questions to the Swedish Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of health.
Open letter with questions to the members of the Swedish Parliament
Open letter to the minister of social affairs Jakob forsmed
Subject: Important questions about Sweden’s position regarding the WHO’s proposed changes
Response to the open letter to jakob forsmed from the Correspondence officer of the Ministry of Social affairs
Why The Swedish Sovereignty is threatened?

Nobel Prize Protest
Global Nobel Prize Protest |
December 10, 2023
Nobel Prize Protest Appeal – Sign for all those harmed by mRNA vaccines
De mänskliga rättigheternas ställning
Interpellation 2023/24:172 De mänskliga rättigheternas ställning
av Elsa Widding (-)
Statsministern svarar på Elsa Widdings fråga om IHR (International Health Regulations)