Action Alert: Censorship Hearing

Action Alert: Censorship Hearing

When: Thursday, August 10th, at 2pm ET (11am PT)
What: Oral Arguments for State of Missouri, Et Al. v. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Et Al. Appellants
Where: Livestreamed on CHD.TV
Original Source: United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (en banc courtroom link will be live during the hearing)

Pandemic Treaty Compendium

Pandemic Treaty Compendium

Pandemic Treaty Compendium
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) Pandemic Treaty Drafts:
LATEST VERSION “Bureau Text” June 2nd 2023
“Zero Draft” February 1st 2023
“Conceptual Zero Draft” November 25th 2022
“Working Draft” July 13th, 2022

IHR  Compendium

IHR Compendium

Links go to the original files stored on the WHO website. We are preserving copies locally on our servers for posterity, which you can access via the blue buttons.
Current IHR Amendments
Article-by-Article compilation of proposed amendments…

The WHO and American Democracy

The WHO and American Democracy

Could the W.H.O. really take over sovereignty from national governments during an emergency? YES. 2 Page PDF Download that explains how it could be accomplished legally in the United States.

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