Founder, Door to Freedom
Dr. Nass is a physician and researcher who proved the world's largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine. Her license was suspended for prescribing COVID medications and 'misinformation.'
Disentangling COVID disinformation since 2020:
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Working Successfully with State Leaders Who Will Take Responsibility – PDF Now Available!
By Catherine Austin Fitts
For our 1st Quarter 2024 Wrap Up, our theme is Using the U.S. States’ Constitutional Powers to Preserve Sovereignty and Financial Freedom: How We Can Stop the Coup. We believe that there is an essential step to stop central bankers’ push for full financial control and interrupt the accelerating asset grab and other plunder capitalist takings—and that is by working to ensure the necessary infrastructure and conditions of financial transaction freedom, especially at the state level.