Please read this informational sheet about responding to your government.
Kirsten Murfitt has provided a very helpful cheat sheet for Kiwis.
Kirsten Murfitt has provided a very helpful cheat sheet for Kiwis.
Key reasons provided by the 22 AGs:
First Reason:
“Under proposed IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty, however, the WHO’s Director-General would achieve the power to unilaterally declare a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) in one or more member nations. Such declarations can include perceived or potential emergencies other than pandemics, including climate change, immigration, gun violence, or even “emergencies” involving plants, animals, or ecosystems.”
A question often asked is how nations can leave the WHO, since there is no procedure for exiting the WHO specified in the WHO’s Constitution. International law professor Francis Boyle provides the solution below. “A Withdrawal from the WHO Constitution can be accomplished by invoking the Doctrine of Fundamental Change of Circumstances under Article 62 of the Vienna Convention…