The US is not an honest broker: 3 Examples of how the US avoids the traps it sets for others
a) impenetrable last-minute legalese, b) a history of making reservations that enable the US to dodge compliance, and…
a) impenetrable last-minute legalese, b) a history of making reservations that enable the US to dodge compliance, and…
Day 2 of WHA 77 Starting at 14:30 Geneva time, Committee A of the World Health Assembly (WHA)…
The World Health Assembly (WHA) of the WHO is meeting May 27-June 1st. The meetings are available live…
Dozens of Alabama lawmakers and political figures have signed onto an international letter demanding the World Health Organization halt or delay its planned vote on the so-called Pandemic Agreement.
The letter, dated May 22 2024, was signed by Governors of 24 states in the United States. Directed…
European MEP Rob Roos sends Open Letter to Tedros because the WHO has failed to provide proof to…
Open Letters from Argentina, France, and India
by Michael T. Clark, PhD and Meryl Nass, MD
This is an important paper for decision-makers and diplomats: Door to Freedom’s White Paper analyzing the negative implications of the policy decisions made during the COVID pandemic, and how the proposed Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments will compound these mistakes.
The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, sent a letter to organizations engaged in negotiating as part of…
Why were the Netherlands, New Zealand, Iran so quiet about issuing reservations or rejections of the amendments in 2022? Were they bribed or exhorted or threatened to keep it quiet because the WHO was claiming consensus for the 2022 approval?
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