Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them?

Why Can States Assert that the WHO Has No Authority Over Them?

The Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This means that the regulation of healthcare falls to the states.

Exiting the World Health Organization

Exiting the World Health Organization

A question often asked is how nations can leave the WHO, since there is no procedure for exiting the WHO specified in the WHO’s Constitution. International law professor Francis Boyle provides the solution below. “A Withdrawal from the WHO Constitution can be accomplished by invoking the Doctrine of Fundamental Change of Circumstances under Article 62 of the Vienna Convention…

Bravo Louisiana

Bravo Louisiana

In celebration of the unanimous State Senate vote in Louisiana, here are some fresh memes. Want the background?…

Stop the WHO

Stop the WHO

Stop OMS | Stop the WHO | Spanish Campaign Stop OMS Telegram Channel www.StopOms.com From the StopOMS website:…

Federal Watch: HR 4665

Federal Watch: HR 4665

Vote scheduled March 22 2024 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2024. Courtesy of…

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