An analysis of Articles 1-9 in the adopted vs proposed IHR, as requested by many
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An analysis of Articles 1-9 in the adopted vs proposed IHR, as requested by many

Analysis of later articles will be coming. The skinny on why this was a big win. Below, I will be comparing the WHO’s initially proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments of 6 February 2023 with what actually got passed (adopted) on June 1, 2024–because there has been an extraordinary amount of confusion about this in…

The comparison: IHR amendments as proposed in February 2023 and adopted on June 1, 2024.
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The comparison: IHR amendments as proposed in February 2023 and adopted on June 1, 2024.

Here are the proposed and adopted articles 1,2,3 and 6. I think the onus should be on those who claim this is a disaster, to show their evidence. I am getting tired of repeating myself. The IHR amendments were adopted because after 2 years of negotiations, the WHA had to adopt something to save face,…

WHA 77: Spotlight on Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments

WHA 77: Spotlight on Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments

Day 2 of WHA 77 Starting at 14:30 Geneva time, Committee A of the World Health Assembly (WHA) opened discussions of the Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulation (IHR) amendment processes. These two processes began two years ago, and have been respectively orchestrated by the WHO through two groups: the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) and…

Monochrome Photo of Math Formulas
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The WHO pandemic treaty and IHR revisions: Will We Compound the COVID tragedy?

by Michael T. Clark, PhD and Meryl Nass, MD

This is an important paper for decision-makers and diplomats: Door to Freedom’s White Paper analyzing the negative implications of the policy decisions made during the COVID pandemic, and how the proposed Pandemic Agreement and IHR amendments will compound these mistakes.

Slovakia announces it will not sign the existing versions of the treaty and IHR amendments. Tedros begs Slovakia to not block “consensus”
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Slovakia announces it will not sign the existing versions of the treaty and IHR amendments. Tedros begs Slovakia to not block “consensus”

Why were the Netherlands, New Zealand, Iran so quiet about issuing reservations or rejections of the amendments in 2022? Were they bribed or exhorted or threatened to keep it quiet because the WHO was claiming consensus for the 2022 approval?

The New World Health Organization IHR Changes Are Merely Cosmetic

The New World Health Organization IHR Changes Are Merely Cosmetic

The draft of the IHR amendments and an accompanying draft Pandemic Agreement are both still under negotiation a month short of the intended vote at the World Health Assembly (WHA) in late May. Together, they reflect a sea change in international public health over the past two decades. They aim to further centralize control of…

See how little has really changed in the new version of the April 2024 amended IHR
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See how little has really changed in the new version of the April 2024 amended IHR

People said surveillance and censorship: control of misinformation and disinformation had been removed. Not so. They are just moved to an Annex and inserted elsewhere, on page 45. See below. So what if “the term “non-binding” is no longer crossed out? The document is still binding on nations due to other language, the requirement to…

Recently circulated: new draft of amendments to the IHR

Recently circulated: new draft of amendments to the IHR

The 300+ amendments proposed last year have been whittled down to something readable, yet still problematic. The 8th meeting of the Working Group on the International Health Regulations (WGIHR) is happening this week. Their task has been to harmonize the 300+ proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. These were first released in…

CRS Report on the IHR Updated

CRS Report on the IHR Updated

Old report deleted from the CRS site? On June 22, 2022, a Congressional Research Service report called “U.S. Proposals to Amend the International Health Regulations” was released. In our research, we have referenced this report because it described the IHR as an executive agreement which is a type of treaty. This report, uploaded below, appears…

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