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Door to Freedom believes that in order for the globalist power grab to succeed, information must continue to be controlled, globally. Therefore, efforts to maintain tight control of mainstream and social media for the purposes of censorship and propaganda are increasing.

To this end, the UN has pushed out the extraordinary claim that free speech is hate speech, and that it leads to genocide. The terms "misinformation" and "disinformation" were apparently insufficient to retain a stranglehold on speech. So-called "hate speech," however, is being pushed out in European countries as something that can be criminalized. Ursula von der Leyen has said (in other words) that information control is her #1 priority. Furthermore, instead of teaching children about the central importance of free speech to a democracy, the UN plans to teach our children how to redefine free speech as hate speech.

We know of no such obligation in any international treaties, particularly since the definition of these terms has been used very loosely by the UN and in this statement.   In fact, the UN has no definition of hate speech:

"However, to date there is no universal definition of hate speech under international human rights law. The concept is still under discussion, especially in relation to freedom of opinion and expression, non-discrimination and equality."

Perhaps according to plan, the US Supreme Court issued its ruling on the seminal censorship case of this century, Murthy v Missouri on June 26, 2024. In a narrow ruling that failed to deal with the merits of the case, the justices determined there was not enough evidence of direct harm to plaintiffs to grant them the standing to proceed further.  This deals a considerable blow to free speech in the US, apparently giving carte blanche to the federal government to direct censorship of American citizens by private companies.

However, Alex Berenson has a similar case, and he has direct evidence in Slack chats belonging to Twitter employees that the White House directly interfered with him, including this statement, referring to a conversation with the White House: "had one really tough question about why Alex Berenson hasn't been kicked off from the platform…"
It would thus appear that standing for Alex Berenson will not be in question.

RFK Jr. and Children's Health Defense have a similar (censorship/ First Amendment) case pending in the 5th Circuit, and they believe they can overcome the issue of standing raised by the Supreme Court also.  

Door to Freedom will be closely following and working to overturn this attack on free speech, and the manner in which courts are interpreting the law and the Constitution. The Alliance for Natural Health's Rob Verkerk and I discussed this issue on CHD-TV on June 26.  ANH has an anti-censorship campaign that we will join.

The mission of Door to Freedom is to overturn the program of centralization of power and resources (also known as the Great Reset) being conducted by global elites, assisted by the United Nations organization, its subsidiary the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, other private entities and many national leaders.

To this end we will continue to attack all censorship efforts at national and international levels.

Door to Freedom also believes that the ability to roll out pandemics, roll out rapidly produced vaccines, and control the food supply are the secondary goals of the globalists, and we will be working closely on these issues as well going forward.


Meryl Nass, MD for Door to Freedom 

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