‘Door to Freedom’: Dr. Meryl Nass Takes on the WHO With Launch of New Nonprofit
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‘Door to Freedom’: Dr. Meryl Nass Takes on the WHO With Launch of New Nonprofit

This article is a repost with the kind permission from The Defender Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and biological warfare expert with a long history of investigating public health threats, launched the Door to Freedom nonprofit and website to educate the public and encourage them to take action about what she called a “global coup”…

Take Note: New Treaty Drafts Released
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Take Note: New Treaty Drafts Released

Not yet official, but these appear to be real working drafts of the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty. Dated March 7th, 2024, Knowledge Ecology International has posted a draft of the Pandemic Treaty: Dated February 9th, 2024, Geneva Graduate Institute has posted a working draft of the IHR amendments. (h/t James Roguski for sharing)…

Watch: Globalism — ‘The New Variant of the Virus’
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Watch: Globalism — ‘The New Variant of the Virus’

Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist, biological warfare expert and founder of Door to Freedom, and George Simion, a member of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies and president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, spoke about the dangers of globalism and…



Are you in Japan and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Anti-WHO Rally Hibiya Park Tokyo Press Conference from Japan: A Call for Global Solidarity Press Release An historic Rally will be held in front of Ministory of Health & Welfare in Tokyo on May…

How We Can Stop The WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty
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How We Can Stop The WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty

“Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Unfortunately, despite all the money this industry has received, it has only made the problem worse. This is because most pandemics are the result of lab leaks from “preventative” research, and because whenever an effective solution is discovered for a pandemic, it gets suppressed by…

Critically important compilation of screenshots from the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty. I decode them. Can’t argue about them.
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Critically important compilation of screenshots from the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulations and Pandemic Treaty. I decode them. Can’t argue about them.

They take away your right to medicines of your choice, freedom of speech, privacy. Can impose border closures, vaccine mandates, quarantines. And they are serious about enforcement. Our organizations presented a symposium on the WHO and the Great Reset hosted by Senator Ron Johnson for Congressmembers  on November 8, 2023 The document above was published…

Reforming the WHO isn’t possible; it’s doing what it was meant to do

Reforming the WHO isn’t possible; it’s doing what it was meant to do

The image above is not about the World Health Organization’s (WHO) mishandling of the coronavirus. It’s from an article published in 2015, after the WHO botched their response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. You can see how far we’ve come since then. “Reform” of the WHO has a formula:

Letter to MEPs, the European Commission, the European Council, and the WHO

Letter to MEPs, the European Commission, the European Council, and the WHO

Questions are asked of the letter’s recipients: 1) What is the legal basis that allows the EU to negotiate for member states with the WHO over the Treaty and Amendments? 2) What is the assurance that there will be no transfer of sovereignty? 3)  What amendments have been proposed or rejected for the IHR? 4) …

View on Island on Lake Bled


Are you in Slovenia and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. SLO TV AS – “Round table” discussion The debate led by Dr. Uroš Lipušček togethter with the guests; Dr. Dušan Keber, Prof, Srečko Šorli, Researcher and Biserka Ilin, MD. The Changed role of wHO…

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