Photo of Tree on Lake


Are you in Australia, New Zealand, or surrounding regions and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Libby Klein, attorney, explains the falsehoods of the WHO and Australian officials in an excellent article “What decision-making role will the Australian parliament have in relation to the proposed…

Photo Of Trees And Mountain

North America

Are you in North America and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Canada Canadian Parliament Petition to Exit the WHO Freedom Rising Mexico Constitutional Citizens Petition Based on article 8 of the National Constitution, ONU Human Rights Declaration, and Helsinki Declaration to ask the President…

Black Textile

Actions Around the World

Links to all the actions, petitions, open letters, demonstrations, and organizations working to stop the global coup. Have something to add? Please email us. Highlighted Actions: The letter, dated May 22 2024, was signed by Governors of 24 states in the United States. Directed to the President of the United States, the letter was shared…

Coalition Meeting

Coalition Meeting

Considerations for challenging the WHO in 2024 Meryl Nass, MD 1.  Do the WHO documents cede sovereignty for management of health to the WHO? The WHO Director-General and government officials in at least the US, UK and Australia (I have hyperlinked to videos of their hearings) have informed our elected officials that there is no…



Are you in Australia, New Zealand, or surrounding regions and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. International Press conference – Melbourne, May 11th 2024 at 2pm INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE TO REJECT THE W.H.O. PANDEMIC TREATIES What you should know NOW about the World Health Organization’s…

New Zealand

New Zealand

Are you in New Zealand and have ideas for conferences, articles, or petitions to add? Have something to add? Please email us. Stop The WHO Pandemic Treaty – With Meryl Nass MD, Andrew Bridgen MP & Barry Young The W.H.O. & You: Exploring Agendas, Treaties, Sovereignty & More! They Are Censoring & Silencing Us Interview…

Contemporary white car decorated with blue World Health Organization flag and sticker parked on street

World Health Organization

Why is everyone concerned about the W.H.O.? Meryl Nass, MD This is a fairly comprehensive but reasonably short explanation of what is wrong with the WHO proposals. It is hard to dispute. Download in: Over the past two years you’ve probably heard about the attempted WHO power grab. Here’s everything you need to know to…

What are the International Health Regulations?

What are the International Health Regulations?

While the current IHRs have been considered recommendations and not orders, the members of the World Health Assembly (the W.H.O. member states) decided to amend the existing IHR in March 2022.[4] Currently only drafts, and not the final IHR proposal are currently available, the drafts…

Analysis of the October 2023 Negotiating Text of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty/Agreement
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Analysis of the October 2023 Negotiating Text of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty/Agreement

First, it should be noted that the names used for this document change with each draft, which is very confusing.  The current draft is titled: Negotiating Text of the WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO Pandemic Agreement) Advanced unedited version – 16 October 2023 This document is…

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