WHA Day 5

WHA Day 5

The Co-Chairs provide a brief update at 6pm CET, stating they will have draft resolutions by tomorrow. Were we not expecting an IHR package today? Will countries approve without having even a moment to review? Is that acceptable behavior for an international organization? Is a contract signed without review legitimate?

The US is not an honest broker: 3 Examples of how the US avoids the traps it sets for others

The US is not an honest broker: 3 Examples of how the US avoids the traps it sets for others

a) impenetrable last-minute legalese, b) a history of making reservations that enable the US to dodge compliance, and c) scuttling carefully negotiated agreements Example #1. Here is a resolution the US and a handful of its hangers-on proposed for the WHA to approve today. It is so full of references to other documents (by number)…

WHO Annual Meeting Opens in Geneva, Switzerland

WHO Annual Meeting Opens in Geneva, Switzerland

The World Health Assembly (WHA) of the WHO is meeting May 27-June 1st. The meetings are available live on the WHO website, and the preliminary schedule has been published. According to the current schedule, discussion of “Public health emergencies: preparedness and response” will begin on Tuesday, May 28th, at 14:30 CET. This discussion will include…

Ivey, Alabama officials oppose WHO’s ‘Pandemic Agreement’ — ‘It is outrageous’
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Ivey, Alabama officials oppose WHO’s ‘Pandemic Agreement’ — ‘It is outrageous’

Dozens of Alabama lawmakers and political figures have signed onto an international letter demanding the World Health Organization halt or delay its planned vote on the so-called Pandemic Agreement.

Why developing nations, and others, should defeat the WHO proposals this week

Why developing nations, and others, should defeat the WHO proposals this week

The people who brought us the disastrous national and global response to the outbreak of COVID-19 have been laboring assiduously, by all means possible, to convince the world that they were right about the origins of the pandemic, about what needed to be done to contain it…

24 US Governors Sign Letter Against the WHO Treaties
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24 US Governors Sign Letter Against the WHO Treaties

The letter, dated May 22 2024, was signed by Governors of 24 states in the United States. Directed to the President of the United States, the letter was shared by the Republican Governors Association. It outlines the primary reasons US politicians are concerned about the WHO Treaties currently under negotiation. These are: the Pandemic Agreement…

Ongoing: Unanswered Questions on WHO Procedural Issues
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Ongoing: Unanswered Questions on WHO Procedural Issues

European MEP Rob Roos sends Open Letter to Tedros because the WHO has failed to provide proof to the EU Parliament. On November 28th, 2023, twelve members of the European Parliament sent a formal letter to the WHO Director General requesting proof of a vote approving the May 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations…

WHO’s proposed Pandemic Agreement: Latest Development
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WHO’s proposed Pandemic Agreement: Latest Development

Dear Supporter, I am writing to let you know the latest developments in our efforts at Door to Freedom to push against the WHO’s proposed Pandemic Agreement and the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments. Please note: these are two different international treaties, both being negotiated at the same time, and both are part of the…

Letter sent to australian Prime Minister – signed by 14 members of Parliament
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Letter sent to australian Prime Minister – signed by 14 members of Parliament

The following 3 page letter was sent to the Australian Prime Minister on the 14th. May, 2024. It was signed by 14 members of the Australian Parliament. “The IHR Amendments and the WHO Pandemic Treaty will transform the WHO from an advisory organisation to a supranational health authority dictating how governments must respond to emergencies…

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